His Briticism got him in to the role in the play. From LearnThat.org.
He even used the term Briticism to designate an English locution rejected by 100% Americans. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 1. Introductory. 2. The Academic Attitude] Reference
By the way, is the term "maths" in general usage, or is it just a Briticism?. From Wordnik.com. [Steven Levitt, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty] Reference
I wondered what Phidias would have said to the "cuttings," and whether the Miss Binghams imagined it a Briticism. From Wordnik.com. [A Voyage of Consolation (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London')] Reference
To use a Briticism, it was ` cruel '; the corresponding. From Wordnik.com. [Coronation Day] Reference
This phrase, of course, is a Briticism, and seldom used in America. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 2. Lost Distinctions] Reference
Is there some Briticism I'm missing here in which woz translates to were?. From Wordnik.com. [UUpdates - All updates] Reference
As the taunter was an American, why is he using the Briticism stepped-up shoes?. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVII No 4] Reference
And if sometimes a Briticism is confused with an Americanism, it is no great moment. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 4] Reference
A Briticism, with some currency in America. sub or submarine v.t. or v.i. To shoot a wink. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 3] Reference
Mucker, a brilliant Briticism, almost unknown in America, is listed between movie and muckraker. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 1. Introductory. 6. The Materials of the Inquiry] Reference
To use a Briticism, it was "cruel"; the corresponding Americanism was more appropriate -- it was "fierce.". From Wordnik.com. [The People of the Abyss] Reference
As a Briticism, jump-start means to get an engine started by engaging the clutch while the car is rolling after a push. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2] Reference
A sort of spiritual asphyxiation overtook one at last, in which the mere stony Briticism of the London hotel seemed to have a part. From Wordnik.com. [Antwerp to Gallipoli A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them] Reference
Arent has never got a foothold in the American first person; when it is used at all, which is very rarely, it is always as a conscious Briticism. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 2. Lost Distinctions] Reference
59 The American derivative verb, to guy, is unknown in English; its nearest equivalent is to spoof, which is used in the United States only as a conscious Briticism. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 4. American and English Today. 5. Expletives and Forbidden Words] Reference
In the midst of his best American, George drops into Briticism after Briticism, some of them quite as unintelligible to the average American reader as so many Gallicisms. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 5. International Exchanges. 1. Americanisms in England] Reference
Why is she in, anyway? happy clappies Should be labeled as a Briticism. happy hour Not only not limited to British pubs but it is very doubtful that the practice originated there, as the entry specifies.. bqe trigger happy Over ready to shoot. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 4] Reference
The apparent reluctance of American dictionaries in this particular case seems very enigmatic, as if vital statistics were some Briticism more British even than kerb, petrol, or pram, which you will find routinely entered in all the American dictionaries. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 3] Reference
Although those present were too polite to split their sides and roll about in hysterics, they were obviously amused, for, as was explained to me, I had picked the wrong metaphor: spend a penny is a Briticism for ` go to the loo, 'or, as they say in America, ` the bathroom.'. From Wordnik.com. [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVII No 4] Reference
He was charmingly handsome, with a nose of most fit aquilinity, smooth-shaven lips, "educated whiskers," and perfect glasses; his manner was beautiful, his voice delightful, when at our first meeting he made me his reproaches in terms of lovely kindness for having used in my 'Venetian Life' the Briticism. From Wordnik.com. [Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship] Reference
Female, of course, was epidemic in England too, but White says that it was not a Briticism, and so early as 1839 the Legislature of Maryland expunged it from the title of a bill to protect the reputation of unmarried females, substituting women, on the ground that female was an Americanism in that application. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 4. American and English Today. 5. Expletives and Forbidden Words] Reference
If English journalists make a show of arrogant and self-righteous Briticism, it is quite possible that a certain class of American journalists may retaliate by setting afoot a deliberately anti-British movement and attempting (as an American has wittily put it) to deserve well of mankind by making two languages grow where only one grew before. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 1. Introductory. 3. The View of Writing Men] Reference
Example (3) is a lower class Briticism. From Wordnik.com. [Voice Lessons?] Reference
"It's a mere Briticism, poppa," I observed. From Wordnik.com. [A Voyage of Consolation (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London')] Reference
Briticism, and so sets him free as an artist. From Wordnik.com. [The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages] Reference
The former is a Briticism borrowed in America. From Wordnik.com. [Chapter 1. Introductory. 6. The Materials of the Inquiry] Reference
Another Briticism. From Wordnik.com. [Annoying and pretentious terms.] Reference
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