Catholicism inclines toward socialism on many economic questions. From
Catholicism is corrupt, that point is indisputable. From [Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off] Reference
Maybe Catholicism is why he also hates New Orleans. From [Matthew Yglesias » Did Haiti Form a Pact With the Devil?] Reference
Both the doctrine and actions (life) of Catholicism is false. From [EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Golden Compass: Lays a golden turd at the box office?] Reference
All shifts that take place in Catholicism happen very gradually. From [Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:] Reference
Roman Catholicism is the faith of more than 90 percent of the people. From [Challenges and opportunities at the turn of the century] Reference
Unlike fanboydom, Catholicism is not supposed to be an exclusive group. From [My Rant Against Acronyms] Reference
Fact: Catholicism is not Christianity, and has not been for many centuries. From [EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Golden Compass: Lays a golden turd at the box office?] Reference
"Catholicism is the only binding force that keeps Mexico from anarchy," he said. From [Benito Juarez, an enigma] Reference
That lots of people who aren't Catholic don't know much about Catholicism is simply irrelevant. From [MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)] Reference
As a Roman Catholic, I work through my life from the assumption that Roman Catholicism is true, sure. From [MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?] Reference
Trekkies are to fandom what Catholicism is to christianity, they think that they are the only ones who count. From [Is he dead Jim?] Reference
One of the analogies between Communism and Roman Catholicism is that only the educated are completely orthodox. From [The Road to Wigan Pier] Reference
Some may think a 2 1/2 hour discussion about the supposed lies in Christianity and Catholicism is good entertainment. From [I saw TDVC and I almost lost my faith...] Reference
I don't think that Catholicism is necessarily patriarchal, but the current leadership is undeniably and ludicrously so. From [Can you love God and feminism? - Feministing] Reference
Incorruptibility has shown up in many different religions, but Catholicism is the place where it really has taken hold. From [Incorruptible and Forever] Reference
It may be fair to say that Madonna and Mapplethorpe are Catholics, if Catholicism is construed as a cultural tradition. From [The Sacred Domain] Reference
Vincent Nichols, of course, has since got the top job in English Catholicism, though in some ways he's an aberrant case. From [Splintered Sunrise] Reference
JE, Catholicism is merely a sect of Christianity, along with Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist and too many more to mention. From [Edward R. Murrow: God or not? « BuzzMachine] Reference
Dino Boffo (photo), a well-known figure in Italian Catholicism, stood down last September as editor of L'Avvenire newspaper. From [Gates of Vienna] Reference
If Catholicism is to remain vital in the 21st century, the Vatican is going to have to reform its own totalitarian tendencies. From [Archive 2005-04-01] Reference
So, the implied question is this: Why are Catholic orders on the decline in American Catholicism (and in Europe, while we are at it)?. From [GetReligion] Reference
This would allow individual Anglicans a corralled space within Catholicism where they could continue to follow some Anglican traditions. From [Church of England parish sings battle hymns as it plans move to Rome] Reference
In Mexico - a historical stronghold of Latin American Catholicism - Pentecostals have become a powerful presence in grassroots movements. From [ - Comments] Reference
Catholicism is about being universal,. about love and forgiveness, not about the hatred that seems to be imprinted in a few selfish hearts. From [President gives pope personal letter from Kennedy] Reference
Our Catholicism is a matter of cultural tradition rather than of faith. From [MAIL CALL] Reference
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