Our town is under a mobocracy system. From LearnThat.org.
Keep dreaming and start paying the maximum rate with no deductions because soon enough if you have any form of income you by virtue of the mobocracy will be the rich guy. From Wordnik.com. ["I already paid the tax. Why do I have to pay it again just 'cause I died?"] Reference
But if you go one layer deeper, Palin's kind of mobocracy would lead to the following. From Wordnik.com. [Deepak Chopra: Is the Fate of Democracy in Sarah Palin's Hands?] Reference
She goes on pathetically calling the people of Ecuador a "mobocracy" in a country led by a "caudillo". From Wordnik.com. [Wall Street Journal and New York Times Attack Journalism] Reference
Many of the framers of the Constitution feared what they called "mobocracy," a pejorative euphemism for democracy. From Wordnik.com. [Alan Dershowitz: Reactionary Activism] Reference
An L.A. governed by the everyone-vote-on-everything "mobocracy" would be more dysfunctional than what we have now. From Wordnik.com. [Greg Nelson plays Rock the Boat] Reference
Carlyle called democracy 'mobocracy' and considered it a mere bad piece of social and political machinery, or, in his own phrase, a mere. From Wordnik.com. [A History of English Literature] Reference
It's a "mobocracy" where prejudice, both secular and religious, dominates. From Wordnik.com. [Bakersfield.com Latest news] Reference
Some people speak as if the only alternative of autocracy was democracy, but the alternative maybe "mobocracy," which is ten times worse than democracy. From Wordnik.com. [War Impressions] Reference
Your premise is not the rule of law but mobocracy. From Wordnik.com. ["I already paid the tax. Why do I have to pay it again just 'cause I died?"] Reference
They were very familiar with mobocracy like that of Rome. From Wordnik.com. [Ron Paul For President !] Reference
I sure hope this is mobocracy and not something far more sinister. From Wordnik.com. [Tunisia's Jasmine revolution: A flower that could be crushed | Editorial] Reference
I meant we a living in a mobocracy, sort of like Athens in 400BCE. From Wordnik.com. [Obama "is not a messiah and does not act or speak like one. He's a traditionalist in many ways."] Reference
He destroyed capitalism in this country and introduced a mobocracy. From Wordnik.com. [OpEdNews - Diary: Keith Olbermann's Special Comment: "Mr. Bush You Are A Fascist!"] Reference
At best we are seeing “mobocracy” which as "progressive" as medieval Byzantium. From Wordnik.com. [Tunisia's Jasmine revolution: A flower that could be crushed | Editorial] Reference
He was responsible as a statesman for the preservation of the democracy and instead he let the mobocracy to take over. From Wordnik.com. [Busting the Clinton Ghost] Reference
It is a mobocracy and the rule of a few men, the mullahs in particular. From Wordnik.com. [No Compromise When You're Right!] Reference
Methodist jehads offer fat clinical material to the student of mobocracy. From Wordnik.com. [Damn! A Book of Calumny] Reference
The usual, legitimate fears of mobocracy are described, but you know what?. From Wordnik.com. [Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog] Reference
The liberal mobocracy fails to understand what the Tea Party Movement is all about. From Wordnik.com. [Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]] Reference
#The liberal mobocracy fails to understand what the Tea Party Movement is all about. From Wordnik.com. [Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]] Reference
Page 103 by a mob, nor did, it to any considerable extent, sympathize with mobocracy. From Wordnik.com. [Life of Rev. A. Crooks, A. M.] Reference
Good to know that there are some developments again!!! mobocracy - Jan 18th 2001 21: 50: 21. From Wordnik.com. [freshmeat.net Releases] Reference
That "seems simple enough" to someone who doesn't understand the liberal mobocracy that runs Wikipedia. From Wordnik.com. [Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]] Reference
In fact, they recognized that majority rule would quickly degenerate into mobocracy and then into tyranny. From Wordnik.com. [Clipmarks | Live Clips] Reference
American writer as 'the plutocracy at one end and the mobocracy at the other end' of our national legislature. From Wordnik.com. [France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889] Reference
Elections forced by a mob will not be the way out of the crisis, but rather the route to Thailand as a mobocracy. From Wordnik.com. [Bangkokpost.com : Breaking News] Reference
If we lived in a mobocracy (also known as ochlocracy) we would vote and the majority would rule on every little issue. From Wordnik.com. [RutlandHerald.com] Reference
Politics must be annexed to our government by such legal provisions, instead of being left to boss monopoly or mobocracy. From Wordnik.com. [The Arena Volume 4, No. 23, October, 1891] Reference
Thence, for the first time, to a mobocracy meeting, where they expressed awfully Liberal opinions -- "Polk and Dallas for ever!". From Wordnik.com. [Journal of a Voyage across the Atlantic] Reference
Surely you don't think you have come under a ... mobocracy. ". From Wordnik.com. [Inconstant Star]
We are just now in the throes of such a mobocracy, ” and know how much one firm policeman can avail to calm a riot. From Wordnik.com. [My Life as an Author]
So I gather then that they think that we’re not promoting ‘democracy’ around the planet but rather ‘mobocracy’?. From Wordnik.com. [Think Progress » Texas Board of Education cuts Thomas Jefferson out of its textbooks.] Reference
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