Italians of that age called virtu, that is, personal courage, force, and elegance. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne] Reference
The two variables were what Machiavelli called virtu and fortuna. From [May 2008 - SpouseBUZZ] Reference
In all these provinces, therefore, after the Romans fell, the Sects possessed, and yet possess in part, that virtu which is desired and lauded with true praise. From [Discourses] Reference
Those who may want to imitate these men can be exposed to those vices of contempt and hatred, which as I have said above of Scipio and Hannibal, can be avoided by an excessive virtu which is in you, and not otherwise. From [Discourses] Reference
Henley Eagle præfect. palma virtu per æternit. florebit. From [The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876] Reference
Henley Eagle præfect. palma virtu. per æternit. florebit. From [The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876] Reference
People unobligated by them, more virtu will be observed in the. From [Discourses] Reference
Vitellius and occupied Rome, so that through the virtu of Antonius. From [Discourses] Reference
Articles of luxury and virtu are mainly the production of European nations. From [Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.] Reference
The merits of Horatius had been very great, having by his virtu conquered the Curatii. From [Discourses] Reference
On that plucky note, Obama essentially ended the first open, democratically operated virtu. From [Ari Melber: President Obama's Never-Ending Virtual Town Hall] Reference
Magistracies, and the less powerful (no matter of how much virtu) abstained from asking from fear. From [Discourses] Reference
On that plucky note, Obama essentially ended the first open, democratically operated virtu ... digg. From [Ari Melber: President Obama's Never-Ending Virtual Town Hall] Reference
Old Tiller can't impart much lore concerning art, or tell the price of virtu nice until he breaks your heart. From [Rippling Rhymes] Reference
In our own times anyone now living knows with what industry and virtu Gonsalvo Ferrante, fighting in the Kingdom of Naples for. From [Discourses] Reference
He will see innumerable cruelties take place in Rome, and nobility, riches, honors, and above all virtu, accounted capital crimes. From [Discourses] Reference
The virtu of whom is recognized in two ways: the first is in the selection of the site, the other in the establishment of the laws. From [Discourses] Reference
Illyria, took his side, and came into Italy against Vitellius who reigned in Rome, and with the greatest virtu routed two armies of. From [Discourses] Reference
However, this system became pernicious in a corrupt City, for it was not those who had more virtu, but those who had more power, who asked for the. From [Discourses] Reference
"As the magnitude of the undertaking unfolded before us we felt that we were virtu - ally standing at the entrance of a new era in the annals of mankind.". From [Steel Victory]
Rehoboam, who not being like his grandfather in virtu, or like his father in fortune, remained heir to the sixth part of the Kingdom only with great effort. From [Discourses] Reference
The Roman armies under the Ten had the same virtu as before: but because there was not in them the same disposition, they did not achieve their usual results. From [Discourses] Reference
Woodward writes that Houston "" strongly encouraged Hillary to write a book, '' and "" virtu - ally moved into the White House residence for several days at a time to help. ''. From [A Collector Of People, Living And Dead] Reference
And we see a City or a Province well-organized in its government by some excellent man, and for a time always progressing toward the better through the virtu of that organizer. From [Discourses] Reference
And so, on the contrary, if two, one after the other, are of great virtu, it will often be seen that they achieve most great things and that they will rise with their fame to the heavens. From [Discourses] Reference
This is a case where the virtu and fortune of the builder of the edifice is recognized, which is of greater or less wonder according as that man who was the beginner was of greater or less virtu. From [Discourses] Reference
This same thing happened in Rome to Caesar who was favored by Pompey and the others for his virtu; which favor a little while later was converted to fear: to which Cicero gives testimony, saying that. From [Discourses] Reference
For the latter cannot reasonably be relied upon unless he is surrounded by men, who are of such respectability or of such virtu, that his inexperience can be moderated by their counsel and authority. From [Discourses] Reference
City, he institutes it for only a short time, because there is no remedy which can prevent them from degenerating into their opposite kind, because of the resemblance that virtu and vice have in this instance. From [Discourses] Reference
Whence it can be noted that a successor not having as much virtu as the first, is able to maintain a State which was erected by that man before him and can enjoy his labors; but if it happens either that his life is. From [Discourses] Reference
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