With the abrader plugged in to another bot, a Braklef. From Wordnik.com. [The Dreaming Void]
The abrader attachment came free and she pulled it out. From Wordnik.com. [The Dreaming Void]
In the process, the diamond-tipped abrader removes dead skin. From Wordnik.com. [rediff.com] Reference
Her u-shadow began to run diagnostic checks on them while she tried to detach the abrader mat from the 8038’s foam-clogged multi-socket. From Wordnik.com. [The Dreaming Void]
Ceiling poles normally were seated in the wall masonry a couple inches but beams continued all the way through, their ends cut to a previously incised line, smoothed by a sandstone abrader and mudded over when the wall was plastered (pls. From Wordnik.com. [The Architecture of Pueblo Bonito :] Reference
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