It documents the life of a chronic alcoholic who suffered continually from what he, following the French, called cafard-the cockroach that is a metaphor for overwhelming, debilitating depression. From [Critical Mass] Reference
What did that chairborne brass hat know about space cafard?. From [Medal of Honor] Reference
Next post: Vilain cafard ou jolie blatte forestière ambrée ?. From [Google Shared Stuff: First Impressions — Climb to the Stars] Reference
Space cafard, in a craft little larger than a good-sized closet!. From [Medal of Honor] Reference
Previous post: Vilain cafard ou jolie blatte forestière ambrée ?. From [WordPress Finally Has Tags! — Climb to the Stars] Reference
Vilain cafard ou jolie blatte forestière ambrée ? by Stephanie Booth on 22.09.2007. From [Vilain cafard ou jolie blatte forestière ambrée ? — Climb to the Stars] Reference
Two weeks to a month, all by yourself, watching the symptoms of space cafard progress. From [Medal of Honor] Reference
When there is no more fun in life, and I am not good for anything anyhow, like you say, that is what they call to have the "cafard.". From [Deer Godchild] Reference
Surely Ms. Didion must know the appearance of a "smart set" — over-educated, non-productive, narcissistic and in perpetual cafard — is a phenomenon that cannot be isolated from its social context. From [They'll Take Manhattan] Reference
Avant la guerre on ne savais pas ce que c'etait le cafard. From [Three Soldiers] Reference
We have captured le cafard: Now we must decide whether he is Dr. Richard Kimble, the righteous runaway, or the elusive one-armed man, the real criminal. From [The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed] Reference
I believe, in contradiction to most etymologists, that the Egyptian scarab, chepera, is our word chafer, French cafard, and possibly Italian scarafaggio. From [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 3] Reference
Speak up, cafard. From [Tek Lab]
Vilain cafard ou jolie blatte forestière ambrée ?. From [Je passe à Orange Maxima — Climb to the Stars] Reference
You know what it is the "cafard?". From [Deer Godchild] Reference
"You know what that mean -- cafard?". From [Three Soldiers] Reference
"Je mourrais de cafard.". From [Three Soldiers] Reference
Animals, blatte, blatteforestièreambrée, blattegermanique, cafard. From [Vilain cafard ou jolie blatte forestière ambrée ? — Climb to the Stars] Reference
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