The need for mystagogical catechesis is absolutely necessary in being able to fully enter into the sacred mysteries in the liturgy; mind, body, heart, and soul. From [Taking a Look at Liturgical Catechesis] Reference
Many Orthodox children go to our parishes for catechesis, which is also conducted by Orthodox teachers. From [Spero News] Reference
The answers to such questions come through liturgical catechesis which is also an important part of the new liturgical movement. From [Taking a Look at Liturgical Catechesis] Reference
Q: Why do you call catechesis a "craft"?. From [Archive 2008-06-01] Reference
And I would add: catechesis, catechesis, catechesis. From [Young Catholics are really Protestants] Reference
The Pontiff stressed the need for catechesis in the parishes. From [Archive 2009-03-01] Reference
There are also opportunities for faith development and catechesis. From [Friend of the Groom?] Reference
They have opportunities for catechesis as well as just social events. From [Friend of the Groom?] Reference
This is an element that we highlight in our catechesis to parishioners. From [AN: In Japan 188 martyrs to quench the thirst for God] Reference
Of course, this is not to deny the place of intellectual catechesis as well. From [The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith] Reference
And even before this, in a catechesis that was just as remarkable by Sandro Magister. From [Magister on Benedict's Liturgical Emphases] Reference
Ted Kennedy's passing became a secular catechesis on the dignity of the human person. From [The funeral and the letter] Reference
Labels: catechesis, lex orandi; lex credendi, liturgy and doctrine, school of the Faith. From [The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith] Reference
Second, fundamentalists do not ask questions to engage in inquiry; they ask them as catechesis. From [In Which I Wax Mostly Clever « Unknowing] Reference
Any Catholic with an ounce of catechesis knows he or she excommunicates him/herself by doing so. From [Feminist outrage & the banality of abortion (UPDATED)] Reference
This is what forty years of "Spirit of Vatican Two" catechesis has given us. . .color me unsurprised. From [Archive 2009-01-18] Reference
Our catechesis today deals with another great monastic figure of the High Middle Ages, Rabanus Maurus. From [Benedict on the Liturgy: "The Faith is not only thought"] Reference
Attendance has visibly diminished in the churches, in the courses of catechesis, but also in the seminaries. From [Two Generations, Two Ecclesiologies: Secretary of Congregation for Catholic Education to Rectors of Pontifical Seminaries] Reference
After a good bit of catechesis we'll go forward with the Propers from the Graduale and more beautiful Ordinaries. From [An Excellent Model for the First Steps Toward Sacred Music] Reference
PRENDERGAST: And one of things, as you know, the bishops are going to get catechesis, instructions to the young people. From [CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2002] Reference
Instead, solutions commonly listed are more Eucharistic Adoration, catechesis, and Communion kneeling and on the tongue. From [Helping the Faithful Believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist] Reference
He is just as critical about the poor quality of Catholic sermons and popular catechesis, but seems resigned to its inevitability. From [The Dream of Karl Rahner] Reference
We have found two related and 'politically' significant liturgical compositions doing important pieces of implicit catechesis here. From [The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn] Reference
In his nineteenth catechesis, the first mystagogic, he explains the force of the baptismal renunciations of the devil and his pomps. From [The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March] Reference
Because of poor catechesis and a lack of good theology, she was unable to evaluate between moral goods and harms and make ethical choices. From [December Christian Science Fiction/Fantasy Blog Tour Day 2] Reference
In his twenty-third or last catechesis, he calls the mass an unbloody sacrifice, a victim of propitiation, a supreme worship, &c. (n. 8, p. 327.). From [The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March] Reference
PRENDERGAST: There's going to be the formal thing, which is the catechesis, where we will speak, and they will bring questions, and I will try to answer them. From [CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2002] Reference
On the contrary, many of them were attracted to Catholicism in spite of a now decades-long stretch of deficient catechesis, mediocre Masses, and uninspiring leadership. From [History] Reference
It seems to be a regula fidei summary for catechesis rather than a strictly liturgical formula, and its connections with any of the other texts here reviewed are not evident. From [The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn] Reference
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