For this reason, Spanish demicannon were as long as 24 calibers and the quarter-cannon ran up to 28. From [Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America] Reference
She carries sixteen pieces of ordinance, two brass rakers, six iron demiculverin drakes, four iron whole culverin drakes, and four iron demicannon drakes. From [Notes and Queries, Number 07, December 15, 1849] Reference
In St. Domingo about four score, whereof was very much great ordnance, as whole cannon, 10 demicannon, culverins, and such like. From [Drakes Great Armada] Reference
The Bridgeward heard, and muttered, “A plague on falcon and falconet, on cannon and demicannon, and all the barking bull-dogs whom they halloo against stone and lime in these our days!. From [The Abbot] Reference
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