Weakening is made an eliminable rule by letting initial sequents have the form. From Wordnik.com. [Chores] Reference
But because dominations is never wholly eliminable, defensible politics is inherently fragile. From Wordnik.com. [Paul Ricoeur] Reference
(PR §168), it is an eliminable pseudo-proposition standing proxy for the proved inductive base and inductive step. From Wordnik.com. [Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics] Reference
Budd suggests that the metaphor is reducible, and thus eliminable, apparently in terms of purely musical (i.e., non-spatial) concepts or vocabulary. From Wordnik.com. [The Philosophy of Music] Reference
For this reason, Zimmerman concedes that “the role that luck plays in the determination of moral responsibility may not be entirely eliminable ¦” (2002, 575). From Wordnik.com. [Moral Luck] Reference
It merely holds that when truth occurs in the outermost position in a sentence, and the full sentence to which truth is predicated is quoted, then truth is eliminable. From Wordnik.com. [Truth] Reference
At first Berkeley poured scorn on those who adhere to the concept of infinitesimal. maintaining that the use of infinitesimals in deriving mathematical results is illusory, and is in fact eliminable. From Wordnik.com. [Continuity and Infinitesimals] Reference
Those who hold teleology in biology to be metaphorical in nature typically regard it as eliminable; i.e., they believe that the science of biology would not be essentially altered if all references to teleology were eschewed. From Wordnik.com. [Teleological Notions in Biology] Reference
(For example, the sentence “Rama and Sita are righteous” is equivalent to “Rama is righteous and Sita is righteous”, but the term-connective in “Rama and Sita are married” is not similarly eliminable in favour of the truth-functional conjunction “Rama is married and Sita is married”.). From Wordnik.com. [Analytic Philosophy in Early Modern India] Reference
˜it™ in (b) is not eliminable in the representation of the possibility in question. From Wordnik.com. [Possible Objects] Reference
So they are eliminable too, to be replaced by a new, conformist generation of manipulable academic technicians. From Wordnik.com. [Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog] Reference
As a matter of fact, however, few even among friendly critics longer regarded these faults as entirely eliminable. From Wordnik.com. [History of the United States, Volume 5 (of 6)] Reference
˜dispensable™ is for it to be eliminable and that the theory resulting from the entity's elimination be an attractive theory. From Wordnik.com. [Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics] Reference
A.’ A. Contraction is likewise made eliminable by a suitable formulation of the rules. From Wordnik.com. [Chores] Reference
These conflicts are not always eliminable in the way that the morality system requires them always to be ” by arguments leading to the conclusion that one of the oughts was only prima facie (in Ross's terminology: see Williams. From Wordnik.com. [Bernard Williams] Reference
“cost” requirement is that an explanatory reduction that effectively screens off a described higher level feature does not make it irrelevant and thus eliminable (as in Salmon's account) because it can be retained for pragmatic purposes. From Wordnik.com. [Reductionism in Biology] Reference
A major rationale of those who think that imagination is not a safe indication of possibility, even when such possibility is not eliminable a priori, is that we can imagine that a posteriori necessities might be false ” for example, that Hesperus might not be identical to Phosphorus. From Wordnik.com. [Dualism] Reference
The same requirement must certainly be no less seriously considered when the graver issue of recognizing independence is in question, for no less positive test can be applied to the greater act than to the lesser, while, on the other hand, the influences and consequences of the struggle upon the internal policy of the recognizing state, which form important factors when the recognition of belligerency is concerned, are secondary, if not rightly eliminable, factors when the real question is whether the community claiming recognition is or is not independent beyond peradventure. From Wordnik.com. [Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents William McKinley, Messages, Proclamations, and Executive Orders Relating to the Spanish-American War] Reference
However, both features seem eliminable. From Wordnik.com. [Vagueness] Reference
Thus all other than such quantifiable criteria of success are deemed to be eliminable: that is, all intrinsic values (if this short list is not too. From Wordnik.com. [Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog] Reference
(1981), sees vagueness as an eliminable feature of natural language. From Wordnik.com. [Sorites Paradox] Reference
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