Noun, : The board of directors were old fogies still living in the 19th century. From
Negroism, "fogyism," and like epithets are too often directed to those who become animated, or rather happy, under the sound of the gospel. From [Africa and African Methodism.] Reference
His old fogyism showed up unmistakably in a short but heated argument they had had on the subject of chloroform. From [Australia Felix] Reference
But to suggest that a talented young reporter can't produce Page 1 journalism sounds to me like a case of creeping old fogyism. From [CNN Transcript Dec 16, 2007] Reference
But three kids, out of school and immediately bored, plus two teenaged houseguests, put the brakes on our budding old-fogyism in sharp order. From [outfoxed Diary Entry] Reference
For these reasons that nicely graduated mean between political recklessness and national old fogyism, which alone guarantees an enduring progress, is the object of search to all disinterested political reformers. From [Continental Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 1, July, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.] Reference
The system which I adopted long ago, and to which I still adhere (not on account of "old fogyism," but for want of better), is as follows: I have two varnishes which I want to put into competition to test their relative merits. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885] Reference
Old fogyism begins at a younger age than we think. From [Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals] Reference
This latter contains some skilful parody on old fogyism. From [Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and Compositions] Reference
"Old fogyism begins at an earlier age than we think," says Professor James. From [How to Study and Teaching How to Study] Reference
Naturally, I am a Philadelphian, and my strictures will be set down to old fogyism. From [Old Fogy His Musical Opinions and Grotesques] Reference
Old-fogyism in literature is considered, I believe, quite as unpardonable as in politics. From [Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice] Reference
"A large catholicity is taking the place of the old fogyism of former days," scribbles the hack - writer. From [The Heart-Cry of Jesus] Reference
In later life this economical tendency to leave the old undisturbed leads to what we know as 'old fogyism. '. From [Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals] Reference
Certainly the great car of progress is under motion, and no bigoted, conservative fogyism can long stay its progress. From [History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II] Reference
Some auctioneers suggest the rise of a new fogyism among younger buyers fed up with flat-pack furniturelies behind this. From [Personal finance and money news, analysis and comment |] Reference
The statesmanship of England pines for new blood, for ideas of the epoch, and the Russell old-fogyism will not do any more at all. From [The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume II] Reference
When articles by these opponents to suffrage appeared, the argument of youth hardly held good; and the attacks of the suffragists were quickly shifted to the ground of narrow-mindedness and old-fashioned fogyism. From [Womens Clubs and Woman Suffrage] Reference
It embodies a very large portion of the culture, the conscientiousness, and the enlightened good sense of the nation, and its elements are so harmonized as to produce a safe medium between old fogyism and radical rashness. From [History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II] Reference
Conservative tribune of the people, -- that he might be the realization of that hitherto hazy mixture of Radicalism and old-fogyism, of which we have lately heard from a political master, whose eloquence has been employed in teaching us that progress can only be expected from those whose declared purpose is to stand still. From [The Way We Live Now] Reference
For a number of years previous to the Conference of April, 1866, he was a member of the Executive Board of the Missionary Society, and none was more valued for his business tact; enquiring as to its prosperity one day, and being told it was not as successful as was desirable, he exclaimed, "I'm glad I'm not in it, for they would lay all to my old fogyism.". From [An Apology for African Methodism] Reference
It is easy to understand how important are such admissions when we recall how much this traditional view has been assailed, and how those who have held it have been accused of old-fogyism and lack of scholarship, and unwarranted clinging to antiquated notions just because they thought they were of faith, and how, lacking in true scholarship, seriously hampering genuine investigation, such conservatism has been declared to be. From [Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages] Reference
But with this feeling of shame on one side, there was already springing up an idea among another class that Melmotte might become as it were a Conservative tribune of the people, — that he might be the realization of that hitherto hazy mixture of Radicalism and old-fogyism, of which we have lately heard from a political master, whose eloquence has been employed in teaching us that progress can only be expected from those whose declared purpose is to stand still. From [The Way We Live Now] Reference
A difference between the two, must needs, first of all, start from sentiment; but leave, I implore you, such philosophic fogyism behind you. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 17, March, 1859] Reference
Chamber of Deputies, "declaring that France was a victim of old-fogyism, and flattering themselves with the thought that they would infuse the vigor of youth into politics. From [Maximilian in Mexico] Reference
That said, does this reveal a bias, arrogance or fogyism in the Rupert Murdoch, ‘I’ll hide my internet properties from Google …’ as in the ‘old business model in the clutches of death sort of way’; on the part of telecommunications companies and how they see the new kids?. From [Source: Jajah In Middle Of Bidding War That Could Drive Price Up To $400 Million] Reference
We all hate fogyism. From [Brave Men and Women Their Struggles, Failures, And Triumphs] Reference
"pipe-clay," its methods as "old-fogyism," and its rules as "red-tape.". From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864] Reference
Often a mystifying idea, -- The process defined, -- The law of economy, -- Old-fogyism, -- How many types of apperception?. From [Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals] Reference
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