The grumbling boarders requested a meeting with the cook. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Verb (used without object) : The thunder grumbled in the west. From
Usually the grumbling is a ploy to keep signing costs down. From [ - This year's draft may be thin on quality, quantity] Reference
We're right in grumbling; that's the only thing we're right in. From [Parables From Nature] Reference
Judging the quantity of grumbling is always a fairly subjective process. From [Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Hugo Reactions Poll] Reference
Most of these developments cause much grumbling from the Italian servant. From [Tucson Weekly] Reference
There was also some grumbling from the Cougars 'side about an apparent touchdown that was overturned by replay. From [ - College Football - Arizona St. vs. Washington St.] Reference
Myth: Iraq has been "calm" in fall of 2007 and the Iraqi public, despite some grumbling, is not eager for the US to depart. From [Easter Lemming Liberal News] Reference
(link) OK then, our grumbling is safe with one another. From [kateelliott: Meanwhile, back at the ranch: a finished first draft] Reference
Know that your grumbling is a complete waste of energy. From [Enterprise Resilience Management Blog] Reference
"Grousing" is Tommy Atkins for grumbling, which is an Englishman's birthright. From [Khartoum Campaign, 1898 or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan] Reference
Stephen Harper calls the grumbling “a backroom deal for Stephane Dion to take power without the consent of voters.”. From [2008 November « Unambiguously Ambidextrous] Reference
The grumbling was my stomach, and I realized that whether I was going to take the Xanax or not, I still had to eat breakfast. From [Archive 2005-11-01] Reference
These noises may be described as grumbling, muffled thudding, or ticking in short bursts, or as a quiet tapping noise like raindrops. From [Softpedia News - Global] Reference
D. 's whiny or anything, but his "grumbling" has been known to shatter windows. From [Book Review: Kingdom Hearts with Introduction of New Blogger] Reference
You hear all this grumbling which is going on just now against the Unionist leader. From [Constructive Imperialism] Reference
Wondering if you had heard any kind of grumbling at all from the military regarding this particular situation?. From [CNN Transcript May 2, 2004] Reference
He spoke at once to us both, saying in a kind of grumbling shout. From [On Something] Reference
Yesterday we reported the "grumbling" over ABC News 'packed White House Correspondents Association Dinner guest list. From [Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now] Reference
Later, Mr. McFeatters said that Republicans were "grumbling" about the bill having too little tax relief for individuals and businesses. From [Spero News] Reference
I thought, what's the good of grumbling to myself about it?. From [NADINE GORDIMER] Reference
(After forty years, Joe was still grumbling about that deal.). From [The Loneliest Hero] Reference
Will he be groggy and grumbling, mauling anyone who gets in his way?. From [Shadowland: Dick Cheney in the Hot Seat] Reference
But the sheer scale of festivities has triggered some private grumbling. From [Getting Ready To Party] Reference
But he seemed to sense the inadequacy of grumbling with lives on the line. From [Indisputable Imponderables] Reference
AugustIn-house grumbling intensifies when the novel is presented at a sales conference. From [Confessions Of A Serial Killer] Reference
Morale has sunk particularly low at Time, where budget cuts have led to open grumbling. From [Holy Shake-Up, Batman!] Reference
By grumbling about Clinton's flaws, Democrats in Congress divert attention from themselves. From [The Open-Convention Fantasy] Reference
It would be better to reconcile oneself with this than go on grumbling like a spoiled brat. From [OFFSHORING, ANYONE?] Reference
"Brutal," one longtime operative told NEWSWEEK. There is also grumbling at the grass roots. From [Reinventing Gore] Reference
There is plenty of grumbling that Jiang is setting himself up as some kind of latter-day emperor. From [Palace Intrigues] Reference
No sooner had he declared than grumbling started back home in Virginia, and his ratings as governor drooped. From [SIX MEN AND A DONKEY] Reference
Other aides mused that this should make U.S. reporters stop grumbling about the White House's press handling for awhile. From [Quick, Meet The Press] Reference
Yet it has also touched off grumbling among Democratic Party activists, who have turned strongly against the war in Iraq. From [Hillary's Military Offensive] Reference
There was talk aplenty about double standards (would a man have to answer the same questions?) and grumbling about the glass ceiling. From [Nannygate Ii: A Women's Backlash?] Reference
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