But the environmental significance of these processes is still unknown, Jafvert says, because naturally-occurring materials called humic acids also generate ROS in water. From Wordnik.com. [Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News] Reference
Some streams are saturated with humic acids and show black coloration. From Wordnik.com. [Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves, Brazil] Reference
Surface water is acidic, low in hardness, and high in humic compounds. From Wordnik.com. [Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)] Reference
Soils with a high humic content correspond best to the requirements of the yam. From Wordnik.com. [4 Yams] Reference
In such soils humic acids are present and the requisite alkalinity is thus awanting. From Wordnik.com. [Manures and the principles of manuring] Reference
The soils are mainly humic red loams, moderately to highly acidic and deficient in bases. From Wordnik.com. [Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda] Reference
We are well aware that the nitrogen present in the humic matter of the soil is readily nitrifiable. From Wordnik.com. [Manures and the principles of manuring] Reference
Chapman and White examined a soil profile from Mount Mulanje and classified the soils as humic ferrisols. From Wordnik.com. [South Malawi montane forest-grassland mosaic] Reference
The residues, which are insoluble in water, but redissolve in ammonia, have the properties of humic acids. From Wordnik.com. [Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900] Reference
Organic forms of carbon in the lithosphere include litter, organic matter, and humic substances found in soils. From Wordnik.com. [Carbon cycle] Reference
Kincaid stuck his head in the door and was rewarded with a rich, humic smell so strong it caught in his throat. From Wordnik.com. [All Shall Be Well] Reference
The product consists of a mix of humic acids, algae extracts, a non-hormonal reductant plant metabolite, and vitamins. From Wordnik.com. [1. Soil constraints on sustainable plant production in the tropics.] Reference
Substances damaging to cement, such as salts, sugar-containing and humic substances, acids, gypsum, and soft rain water, reduce the quality. From Wordnik.com. [1. Technical requirements for Asbestos substitutes] Reference
One is, however, justified in assuming that both the natural tannins and the related humic acids are ester-derivatives of hydroxybenzoic acids. From Wordnik.com. [Synthetic Tannins] Reference
Mulder, it is composed of a number of organic bodies, and he has identified the following substances -- ulmin, humin, ulmic, humic, geic acids, &c. From Wordnik.com. [Manures and the principles of manuring] Reference
It is mostly found in sandy soils along creeks and rivers but grows well in colluvial soils, humic brown-clay soils, and alluvial and meadow soils. From Wordnik.com. [6. Best-Known Species] Reference
Like all other forms of organic fertilizing, digested slurry increases the humic content of the soil, and that is especially important in low-humus tropical soils. From Wordnik.com. [3. The agricultural setting] Reference
Sugar-containing and humic substances are much more dangerous than salts, since even in low concentrations they have a negative impact on the hardening of the binder. From Wordnik.com. [1. Technical requirements for Asbestos substitutes] Reference
It is highly probable that a certain quantity of potash in the soil may exist in combination with humic and ulmic acids, forming insoluble potassium humates and ulmates. From Wordnik.com. [Manures and the principles of manuring] Reference
We use only the purest water to make our humic and fulvic products. From Wordnik.com. [Wil's Ebay E-Store] Reference
The humic used in our products is highly bio-active and is 100% organic. From Wordnik.com. [Wil's Ebay E-Store] Reference
Finally, humic acids and soil fungi promote soil fertility and plant growth. From Wordnik.com. Reference
The humic mineral solution delivers the zeolite directly to the intracellular fluid. From Wordnik.com. [Wil's Ebay E-Store] Reference
Extensive research into the bio-medical uses of humic has been conducted in China, Russia. From Wordnik.com. [Wil's Ebay E-Store] Reference
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