They fought, and the fishes conquered, and it ended in the fish becoming birds and the birds fishes; and hence they say the back-bone of the inanga projects so much. From [Samoa, A Hundred Years Ago And Long Before] Reference
The inanga, or small fry of a fresh-water fish, were offended at not being hospitably received on shore by the birds; on the other hand, the birds despised the inanga for being so small. From [Samoa, A Hundred Years Ago And Long Before] Reference
Sixteen species of New Zealand's native freshwater fish have been recorded in the region including the threatened giant kokopu (Galaxias argenteus), short-jawed kokopu (G. postvectis), and the inanga (G. maculates) whose young are considered a culinary delicacy. From [Westland temperate forests] Reference
"Stopbanks will be surveyed to check their size and condition and an ecological survey of inanga (whitebait) spawning areas carried out to determine places that may be sensitive to any works.". From [ScreenTalk] Reference
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