At this season of the year the glazed roof and sides were withdrawn or lowered, but at night the lower sashes were drawn up and fastened, lest incursive cats or dogs should destroy my flowers. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858] Reference
This is a story of group of kids who protect their vacation home from incursive aliens. From [Ultimi bookmark postati su Segnalo] Reference
Her indefinite, idle, impossible passion for Fitzpiers; her constitutional cloud of misery; the sorrowful drops that still hung upon her eyelashes, all made way for the incursive mood started by the spectacle. From [The Woodlanders] Reference
A horror of any kind was no sooner past than it was straightway forgotten, and the facetious animal would advance with arched back and glaring eyes in defiance of an incursive hen, or twirl in mad hopeless career after its own miserable tail!. From [Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines] Reference
Here and there, only, did some little partisan squad make a stand, or offer a show of resistance to the incursive British or the marauding and malignant tory -- disbanding, if not defeated, most usually after the temporary object had been obtained, and retreating for security into shelter and inaction. From [The Partisan: A Tale of the Revolution. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. In Two Volumes. Vol. I] Reference
Or the supposed reviewer of our national history may find, somewhere in his retrospect, that a certain brook or swamp in a wilderness, or a stripe of waste, or the settlement of boundaries in respect to some insignificant traffic, was difficult of adjustment between jealous, irritated, and mutually incursive neighbors; and therefore, national honor and interest equally required that war should be lighted up by land and sea, through several quarters of the globe. From [An Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance] Reference
Other endeavors to protect the American people have included interventions (both merely political and armed) in Central America, the invasion of a menacing Grenada, the bombing of a threatening aspirin factory in Libya, and the gifting of billions in dollars and military hardware to Israel to protect us from indigenous Palestinian civilians and impoverished refugees in Gaza, all mere preludes to the granddaddies of all protections: the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the current incursive flirtation with competing political factions in nuclear Pakistan, featuring our use of drone weaponry, which after all, being unmanned, can hardly be expected to always differentiate between "terrorists" and children. From [Protectus Extremus] Reference
There is one fact which no one can misunderstand, the while -- that after the defections under which you have suffered, and under your known want of military stores, an incursive war from the mountains appears ferocious -- both revengeful and cruel -- when every one knows that time will render it unnecessary. ". From [The Hour and the Man, An Historical Romance] Reference
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