The fact that it was all charged again, proves irrefragably that it was not discharged. From [The Parables of Our Lord] Reference
Here, for instance, is one of his break-downs -- an interesting phenomenon, but not irrefragably proved. From [The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author] Reference
Here I must call your attention to the fact that the French word CONTIN means a continent, irrefragably. From [In Search of the Castaways] Reference
But wisdom,490 Socrates, you must on your side admit, is irrefragably a good; since there is nothing which or in which a wise man would not do better than a fool. From [Memorabilia] Reference
Powerfully and irrefragably honest, passionate and exquisitely singable it could well become the working class anthem of this age, a much-needed call to arms – and hope – for. From [Rekindling the Flames of Discontent] Reference
So, without any ado, here are three things I firmly, fixedly, irrefragably know. From [Latest entries from] Reference
This conviction will be established still more irrefragably and wonderfully in that future. From [Expositions of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and First Book of Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, and Second Kings chapters I to VII] Reference
Let this conclusion be fairly pondered, and it will be found to sustain itself irrefragably. From [Theism: The Witness of Reason and Nature to an All-Wise and Beneficent Creator.] Reference
Death teaches eternity and proves irrefragably the existence of a power superior to that of man. From [The Works of Theophile Gautier, Volume 5 The Romance of a Mummy and Egypt] Reference
But the experience of thousands (against which all arguments signify nothing) irrefragably evinces the contrary. From [Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.] Reference
He established a style irrefragably, made musical impressionism as legitimate a thing as any of the great styles. From [Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers] Reference
Noblesse and Clergy irrefragably convincing; the Commissions retire; each Order persisting in its first pretensions. From [The French Revolution] Reference
The reasons which irrefragably prove this inequality to be necessary to the wellbeing of all classes are not equally obvious. From [Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches — Volume 4] Reference
And while we apprehend numerical things, we delight in numerical proportions, and judge irrefragably by the laws of these. From [Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 5] Reference
And then he tells us that, because his tables, at the first glance, look well for his theory, his theory is irrefragably proved. From [Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches — Volume 2] Reference
Mr Sadler gives us a long table of all the towns of England and Ireland, which, he tells us, irrefragably demonstrates his principle. From [Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches — Volume 2] Reference
Aigrefeuille -- the homage of all -- might seem to annul all possible irregularity in the election, to confirm irrefragably the legitimacy of his title. From [The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07] Reference
Wherefore as Machiavel, for anything since alleged, has irrefragably proved that popular governments are of all others the least ungrateful, so the obscurity. From [The Commonwealth of Oceana] Reference
But to compensate for this disappointment we have devised a syllogism, which some people may prefer to an à priori argument, to prove irrefragably, that the Irish are blunderers. From [Tales and Novels — Volume 04] Reference
I know no principle more irrefragably authoritative than that which I had long ago occasion to express: "All noble art is the expression of man's delight in God's work; not in his own.". From [The Harbours of England] Reference
But the more irrefragably the evidence of the impossibility of the return of any former kind of human unhappiness presses upon us, so much the more urgently is an answer demanded to the question. From [Freeland A Social Anticipation] Reference
This demand is irrefragably just, is growing urgent too; and yet this demand cannot be complied with, -- not yet while the State grounds itself on unrealities, and Downing Street continues what it is. From [Latter-Day Pamphlets] Reference
But at all events, whatever you may think of such an exposition as that, the great principle which my text illustrates for us at an earlier stage is, at least, irrefragably established -- that our dear. From [Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke] Reference
If it were established, if every link of the endless chain were discovered and the continuity of existence were irrefragably proved, science would not overthrow idealism, but it would rather vindicate it. From [Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher] Reference
I have often told you, my dear friend, that you had a spice of caprice in your composition, and you have as often disavowed it; even perhaps while your opinions were, at the moment, irrefragably proving it. From [The Letters of Robert Burns] Reference
I therefore owe it to them to give them active proof that their confidence and sympathy in me are not wholly undeserved ” and with God's help this shall be irrefragably proved!. From [Letters]
Into a mass, irrefragably firm, 220. From [The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley] Reference
I am irrefragably convinced of her worth. From [Camilla] Reference
I think that has been irrefragably made out. From [Lives of the Engineers The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson] Reference
(48) Socrates, you must on your side admit, is irrefragably a good; since there is nothing which or in which a wise man would not do better than a fool. From [The Memorabilia] Reference
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