The word kiddush actually refers to the blessing that is recited over the wine before the meal begins. From [Weaving Women's Words: Seattle Stories] Reference
Exodus 20:7 = by positive recognition - kiddush, etc. From [In our mouths and in our hearts: Day 9 | Jewschool] Reference
In my synagogue, the same thing happens every kiddush. From [Roundup: Three Years of Seventeenth Week Posts] Reference
Services will end about 11:30, with kiddush afterwards. From [Twin Naming Planned for This Saturday] Reference
The father made kiddush, and the wine cup was handed round to all. From [Pictures of Jewish Home-Life Fifty Years Ago] Reference
To paraphrase Bill Cosby, the same thing happens every kiddush. From [Archive 2007-04-01] Reference
The kiddush signifies freedom and the ability to drink and be merry. From [Happy Passover פֶּסַח] Reference
It is referred to, in fact, as kiddush ha-Shem, the sanctification of the Name. From [Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry]
Near the end of kiddush, Michael and Nomi will speak about the names they choose. From [Twin Naming Planned for This Saturday] Reference
Despite the children who lack discipline, and parents unwilling to give it, the kiddush works. From [Archive 2007-04-01] Reference
The reporter pronounced kaddish as kiddush, but otherwise did a decent job presenting the event. From [MORE FROM GINNY BATES: ALLIE AND MARGIE] Reference
After the Seder begins, we first say kiddush the prayer for wine and drink the first cup of wine. From [Happy Passover פֶּסַח] Reference
"We always light candles, say kiddush, the Motzi, and then on Saturday mornings we get up and go to shul.". From [Women Who Dared - Rebecca Chernin on FAMILY UPBRINGING] Reference
It all eventually gets cleaned up by about five women and two men, one of whom is the one who threw the kiddush. From [Archive 2007-04-01] Reference
People get a sense of community from it, and those who give the kiddush, and those who partake in it, are blessed. From [Archive 2007-04-01] Reference
For the majority that stay, they might hear a few words near the end of the kiddush, followed by the after-blessing. From [Archive 2007-04-01] Reference
Or maybe accost him during the kiddush (the meal after the religious service) and explain why I think he's all wrong. From [Mark Oppenheimer: On Not Abandoning Your (or Sen. Obama's) Church] Reference
The last announcement is that everyone is invited to the kiddush and could we all please stack the chairs on the side. From [Archive 2007-04-01] Reference
In honor of my mom's yahrzeit, Nomi and I are sponsoring kiddush at our shul, Kadimah-Toras Moshe, on shabbas morning. From [Mom's Yahrzeit This Shabbat: Talk on Superman] Reference
You know women can't count in a minyan, they're not supposed to make kiddush, and they have to sit in the back of the shul. From [Women Who Dared - Rebecca Chernin on BEING A WOMAN ACTIVIST] Reference
As the JFB itself puts it, the women cook and bake for kiddush, organize family celebrations and provide the Passover seder. From [Juedischer Frauenbund (The League of Jewish Women).] Reference
When I was a child, the synagogue across the street used to have a “kiddush” after morning services on Shabbat Saturday. From [majestic and moist honey cake | smitten kitchen] Reference
According to rabbinic sages women are not obligated in blessing the new moon (kiddush ha-levanah), which is obviously time-bound. From [Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.] Reference
I even smeared lamb's blood on the door and set out a kiddush cup full of red wine for Elijah, but still, pukefest aught-nine found us. From [Things Are Looking Up(chuck)] Reference
The woman is obligated in the three meals of the Sabbath and in kiddush because of the juxtaposition of “remembering” to “keeping.”. From [Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.] Reference
Worship will be followed by Torah study and a kiddush. From Reference
Why not see the kiddush cup half full, instead of half empty?. From [] Reference
This is a wonderful kiddush hashem and a great inspiration to young frum girls!!. From [YESHIVA WORLD NEWS] Reference
After a day of parades and football, can you make kiddush over a HeBrew and chips?. From [JTA - Recent News] Reference
Parties? kiddush on Friday night to commemorate the Creation of the world from nothing. From [ Weekly Magazine [ Kislev 19, 5770 - December 6, 2009 ]] Reference
He said the topic was likely to come up during the kiddush lunch following services, though. From [The MetroWest Daily News Homepage RSS] Reference
(There is less single-malt scotch for kiddush than at my current shul, but the latter is inside the Beltway.). From [English-writing Israeli-bloggers] Reference
If your synagogue is anything like mine, gefilte fish and pickled herring are standard at every Saturday kiddush. From [The Jew and the Carrot] Reference
On Friday nights (Shabbat), insert the first paragraph of Shabbat kiddush here, that is, from Vay'hiy erev to asher bara Elohiym la'asot. From Reference
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