In another moment he would have knocked at the kitchen door, but the skreek of a bucksaw from the woodshed led him aside. From [THE PRODIGAL FATHER] Reference
Using a bucksaw is not only a thankless job at any time, but it is no saving of time or money. From [Hiram the Young Farmer] Reference
I started splitting and Joan grabbed a bucksaw and started cutting blocks off an eight foot log. From [Angel With No Hands]
At Agatha's house he hears a bucksaw noise from a woodshed and asks the boy there if his father is home. From [“Have you lived? What have you got to show for it?”] Reference
Silent Poem backroad leafmold stonewall chipmunk underbrush grapevine woodchuck shadblow woodsmoke cowbarn honeysuckle woodpile sawhorse bucksaw outhouse wellsweep backdoor flagstone bulkhead buttermilk candlestick ragrug firedog brownbread hilltop outcrop cowbell buttercup whetstone thunderstorm pitchfork steeplebush gristmill millstone cornmeal waterwheel watercress buckwheat firefly jewelweed gravestone groundpine windbreak bedrock weathercock snowfall starlight cockcrow. From [Archive 2008-02-01] Reference
The monotonous complaint of the bucksaw came to his ears. From [The Turtles of Tasman] Reference
Johnnie bent his back, and the bucksaw resumed its protesting skreek. From [The Turtles of Tasman] Reference
"I have not asked for your pity," interrupted Haldane, growing more erect and almost haughty in his bearing, quite oblivious for a moment of his shirt-sleeves and bucksaw. From [A Knight of the Nineteenth Century] Reference
Compared to the opportunities open to a national committeeman, a legislator, a congressman, or even a governor, stands about as little chance to do himself harm as a boy with a bucksaw and a big wood pile. From [Tattlings of a Retired Politician] Reference
Mr. Smith has other illustrations here He speaks particularly of an English policeman who erected his home with no other tools than an axe, cross-cut saw and bucksaw, and, the finished home, Mr. Smith says, would do credit to a skilled builder. From [Greater Ontario] Reference
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