Most irritating in those last two instances, the extra bits tend to overshadow fine contributions from outsiders, including Cheb Mami's lovely chanting on 'Rose' and James Taylor's faux-burliness on 'Up'. From [Brand New Day] Reference
While the old car was a beastly brute, the new 2010 brings a new sense of burliness to the pony car wars. From [Jalopnik] Reference
The mortadella, with its combination of burliness and creaminess, was a meaty addition to the earthy, bready crust. From [ Latest Features and Articles] Reference
He was a big-limbed, deliberate man, whose quiet burliness lent to an ample silk-faced frock-coat a superfine dignity. From [Nostromo, a Tale of the Seaboard] Reference
I would wager that every one of them was six foot plus and they all had a certain fit burliness to them that was no coincidence. From [ Recent Updates] Reference
My new dress was very handsome, though rather burly, in spite of which Dall said it made me look taller, so its rather burliness didn't matter. From [Records of a Girlhood] Reference
He was rather large for the house, and especially for the stairs; moreover, he had a certain burliness of walk, such as is acquired by men living constantly in the open. From [Tomaso's Fortune and Other Stories] Reference
First off, all flying machines must be entirely human-powered (no external energy sources or stored power, so forget about the slingshots, catapults or anything besides your own burliness.). From [The Earth Times Online Newspaper] Reference
Their physical aspects ranged from the bearded and faintly odorous burliness of Mr. Petrowitz to the rat-faced and yellow-toothed scrawniness of Mr. Pargo; but all of them had the same dominant characteristic in common. From [The Saint in Action]
Atlas was he named not at his baptism, but half in admiration, half in derision by his mates, for his burliness of body and his inordinate greediness of all kinds, for he coveted, say they, the entire earth, clutched at a mighty part thereof, and what he seized upheld manfully. From [Romance of Roman Villas (The Renaissance)] Reference
Madison for eight hours a day does not make for burliness) policeman. From [Gigolo] Reference
Either it’s big burliness that defines you or makes you attractive or it’s something else; either way you’re going to be submitted to some standard. From [REDKEN FOR MEN: MASCULINIZING BEAUTY PRODUCTS (UPDATE) » Sociological Images] Reference
This kind of mind-set also puts a lot of pressure on men to 1) still be physically attractive, “burliness” being a part of said attractiveness, and 2) to do so without putting in any effort or even caring about attractiveness whatsoever. i.e., they must be naturally good-looking. From [REDKEN FOR MEN: MASCULINIZING BEAUTY PRODUCTS (UPDATE) » Sociological Images] Reference
In person Batterby tended towards burliness. From [The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol] Reference
Armitage, Richard, burliness of, 80. From [Who's Who] Reference
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