There are quiet restaurants, looking out over a serene sea and there is bustling nightlife. From []
A bustling city. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Verb (used without object) : He bustled about cooking breakfast. ,The office bustled with people and activity. From
It's not what you would call a bustling air terminal. From [Travel in Cambodia: 1991 Trip Journal: Part Three] Reference
This was the first day that season that the neighborhood could be described as bustling after waking from winter. From [Comments for BrightestYoungThings] Reference
The Walkers 'pub is tucked in an un-picturesque but bustling corner of London's West End. Once-bustling, that is. From [The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed] Reference
She is truly what may be termed a bustling old lady, and has a most despotic rule over all the subordinates of the family. From [Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.] Reference
I note the lack of examples other than the "bustling" market. From [Election Central Morning Roundup] Reference
I know some people like that kind of bustling scene, but it's not my favourite for dinner. From [global] Reference
It was kind of bustling compared to the sleepy road I usually take, and I seemed to attract less attention. From [ TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at] Reference
"I note the lack of examples other than the" bustling "market. From [Election Central Morning Roundup] Reference
And the chat rooms are always bustling ( "Today was a good day, 20 calories under"). From [Desktop Dieting] Reference
Kandahar has its own bustling opium market, which journalists have accessed covertly. From [Afghan Diary: Bizarre Bazaar] Reference
Now she cruises from her "own backyard," the suddenly bustling town of Galveston, Texas. From [Coming To A Port Near You] Reference
The bustling capitals of Guangdong and Fujian provinces have become magnets for the restless. From [Barbarians From The North] Reference
Located next to a bustling market, the museum has a five-year safety record: not one accident. From [Look At Your Own Risk] Reference
Back in Puxi, hungry partygoers head to a strip of bustling Cantonese eateries on Changle Road. From [Late-Night Nosh] Reference
Today the Carlton office building is almost fully occupied again, and its shopping mall is bustling. From [BUSINESS: JOBURG'S NEW VIBE] Reference
Spending a night in the bustling capital, Bangkok, is a great way to kick-start a world-class holiday. From [The Good Life: The Age Of Recovery] Reference
I didn't know at the time that my parents were planning a move to a bustling city in upstate New York. From [Loving My Neighbor Can Be Hard Work] Reference
After 6 pm, that neighborhood feels more like Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery than a bustling bar crawl. From [Feed Me, Baby, One More Time] Reference
The National Gift Shop is an unusual sight in New York's bustling Chinatown: it flies the American flag. From [We're Americans, Too] Reference
He says business has fallen 50 percent since September 11 at his three shops on bustling Revolution Avenue. From [Broke On The Rio Grande] Reference
Oliver bet that others, especially children, would be just as fascinated by this invisible, bustling world. From [A Plushy Plague?] Reference
Inside it's not a cheery-looking place, but it's bustling: 130 shops are open where only a few were last May. From [Baghdad Comes Alive] Reference
Keep your eyes open while you're out shopping this season: if a chain looks as if it's bustling, it probably is. From [Finance: Buying The Store] Reference
"In a single word: because of face," says an acquaintance who works in the bustling commercial heart of Hangzhou. From [Murder At the Drum Tower] Reference
IPTV hopes -- to merge the lay-back culture of the living room with the bustling activity of the lean-forward Net. From [TELEVISION RELOADED] Reference
As night falls over the working-class district of Yau Ma Tei in Hong Kong, the bustling streets become silent and murky. From [China's Growing Holy War] Reference
But three days later I spent the day bustling along with other shoppers at a Christmas craft fair and haven't looked back. From [Mail Call] Reference
"What on earth would we have to gain?" says executive director Tan Cheng Meng, in his bustling office near Singapore's port. From [Where Pirates Still Sail] Reference
Contrast this to Yushchenko headquarters, a thrumming hive of bustling campaign workers, eager visitors and press conferences. From [Kiev's Victory Carnival] Reference
About 40,000 men of this pan-European Army are believed to have died in Vilnius, then a bustling political and military center. From [Deciphering The Bones] Reference
But the decor is comfortably French, using banquettes and mirrors to create an updated version of the bustling two-story brasserie. From [Bye-Bye, Brasseries] Reference
As her husband won his stars, they had moved into ever larger quarters, but there were always sergeants bustling around her household. From [Why He Got Out] Reference
It was a brilliantly clear day, and I walked from the center of town, bustling with shops and hotels, through the Peace Memorial Park. From [A MONUMENT TO REBIRTH] Reference
It's a shame because Baghdad is a big, bustling metropolis of 5 million people, and most Iraqis are genuinely friendly toward Americans. From [AVOIDING THE CROSS HAIRS] Reference
Gephardt's normally bustling suite of offices was quiet and empty -- except for two other police officers sporting gas masks and gloves. From [Capitol Jitters] Reference
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