My heart must needs do likewise if it wishes to have grace of its lord; let it be a flatterer and cajoler. From [Cligés. English] Reference
It is the handsome Denis Ronciat, the beau and cajoler of the village girls, who utters an exclamation of surprise. From [The International Monthly, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1851] Reference
Therefore, give Raulhis wings now toendure a base building “power consolidation period” while Fidel is still alive and can act as the helpful cajoler, enforcer and usual heavy hand. From [Cuba Leadership Change �� Why Now and What Next] Reference
Then said Maheshwara: Ask me another time, O thou cajoler: for it is a long story, and now I have no more leisure: since I must go and bestow the favour of my presence on a ceremony performed by a pious devotee who has built me a new temple at Wáránasi. From [The Substance of a Dream] Reference
Muche thereupon adopted a flattering tone like a born cajoler. From [The Fat and the Thin] Reference
In the heat of the moment, he or she can play so many roles: general, diplomat, brute, cajoler, dictator, trusted friend. From [Home] Reference
I do not like this Monty Bell; he seems to be merely an eater of dinners and a cajoler of dames, such superficial chivalry of speech as he exhibits being only one of the many expedients that gain him the title of. From [People of the Whirlpool] Reference
A cajoler of my age led the singing with much waving of arms, complete with the sort of neatly trimmed beard and rimless spectacles that made you think “Ex-hippie!. From [outfoxed Diary Entry] Reference
Embassy, at one point, had to deny he had engaged in a "shouting match" with Afghan President Hamid Karzai) and into Pakistan, a fractious, disturbed, unnerved country of genuine significance, he packs the proconsul away and, according to Packer, becomes Washington's cajoler-in-chief. From [Tom Engelhardt: War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009] Reference
"In terms of playing style, they are a little bit different; Campo's a bit more abrasive whereas Lucky's more of a cajoler. From [ - Stuff] Reference
O Bacchus! cajoler of ancient pains. From [Silverpoints] Reference
"Ad'la! ye sweet little cajoler!. From [Sandra Belloni — Complete] Reference
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