Her mother was so hooked by her cajolery that she was allowed to visit her friends over the weekend. From LearnThat.org.
'Or the mixture of the two, called cajolery,' said Mr. Austin; 'and that was the principal art of the Whigs.'. From Wordnik.com. [Beauchamp's Career — Complete] Reference
He responded with an all-out campaign of cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [The Obama Magic « Gerry Canavan] Reference
No flattery, no cajolery can draw him from that line. From Wordnik.com. [Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.] Reference
Command, rather than cajolery, was her political method. From Wordnik.com. [Some Old Time Beauties After Portraits by the English Masters, with Embellishment and Comment] Reference
But this cajolery he swept away with a fling of his heavy arm. From Wordnik.com. [Montlivet] Reference
In politics there is no chain of command, just endless cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [Schwarzkopf For President?] Reference
John went back to the house with no concealment and no cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [The Wind Before the Dawn] Reference
Resuming his survey of the room, he assumed an air of charming cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine]
In the second place, the word “craft” means cajolery, cunning, deceit. From Wordnik.com. [The Death of the Moth, and other essays] Reference
I used every cajolery and device of which I was master, but it was no avail. From Wordnik.com. [The Golf Course Mystery] Reference
The day of mere repression is drawing to a close, the day of cajolery is at hand. From Wordnik.com. [Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement] Reference
But we ought to be stout and resolute in either case, neither yielding to bullying nor cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [Plutarch's Morals] Reference
She was used to extract secrets by flattery and cajolery where ordinary bribery would not avail. From Wordnik.com. [The Titan] Reference
So he's good at both the Texas cajolery and also the old Texas pressure politics, when he needs to. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2003] Reference
Spaniard a cruel master: the lack of it drove the Frenchman to gain his ends by cunning and cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [French Pathfinders in North America] Reference
He knew how to threaten, what to threaten her with, and when to turn from threats to charming cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [The Black Gryphon]
I am officer on a man-of-war, and command with sternness and inflexibility, never bending to coaxing or cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [Joyce's Investments A Story for Girls] Reference
Then Plunger tried by cajolery to induce him to let him be Crusoe, and satisfy himself with the part of Friday, but. From Wordnik.com. [The Hero of Garside School] Reference
She rather hoped her sly cajolery would work and was immensely relieved to feel the shift in his thoughts at her candid remarks. From Wordnik.com. [The Rowan]
As the director's tone gradually changed from browbeating anger to half-anger, half-pleading and cajolery, Shar-monov's head turned. From Wordnik.com. [Dance Of Desire]
No sooner has the stranger gone to his hotel than a watch is put upon his movements, and bribery and cajolery used to get access to him. From Wordnik.com. [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860] Reference
It's pretty clear that Little George requires a constant stream of flattery and cajolery to keep him going, and this was to be supplied by. From Wordnik.com. [Jane Smiley: Not Only the Worst President, but the Worst Possible President] Reference
A whisper of cajolery in season is often the secret. From Wordnik.com. [Celt and Saxon — Complete] Reference
All persuasion, entreaty, or cajolery availed nothing. From Wordnik.com. [The Pit] Reference
The name of her honeymoon days was not a cajolery to her. From Wordnik.com. [Lord Ormont and His Aminta — Complete] Reference
The reply of Mrs. Mel is dashed with a trifle of cajolery. From Wordnik.com. [Evan Harrington — Complete] Reference
He could not say more, for he did not dare to attempt cajolery with her. From Wordnik.com. [Beauchamp's Career — Complete] Reference
The cajolery was foolish, if an end was in view; the repression inefficient. From Wordnik.com. [Complete Short Works of George Meredith] Reference
Prayer for an object is the cajolery of an idol; the resource of superstition. From Wordnik.com. [Beauchamp's Career — Complete] Reference
Anna replied with a cajolery wonderfully like a sincere expression of her wishes. From Wordnik.com. [Vittoria — Complete] Reference
On him the cajolery of the beautiful Queen was first essayed, but was found powerless. From Wordnik.com. [PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete] Reference
"Friends!" cried Mrs. Chump, getting courage from the savour of cajolery in these words. From Wordnik.com. [Sandra Belloni — Complete] Reference
The mixture of coercion and cajolery which Mr. Lloyd George knew so well how to employ in his. From Wordnik.com. [The Adventure of Living : a Subjective Autobiography] Reference
All her life, strength had been her idol, and the weakness that bent to her cajolery her scorn. From Wordnik.com. [The Little Minister] Reference
"If we could sign today," said the visitor in a tone of professional cajolery; "time is important.". From Wordnik.com. [Lothair] Reference
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