He acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
'Women can be more prone, simply because they are biologically programmed to be nurturers and to have what we call a caretaker personality. From Wordnik.com. [Home | Mail Online] Reference
This caretaker is sacrificing her life to do this. From Wordnik.com. [Advice on working with your siblings when caregiving] Reference
The boys 'sole caretaker is Elaine, who also acts as their surrogate mother. From Wordnik.com. [REVIEW: Gunpowder by Joe Hill] Reference
Our caretaker is going to insist that we top it all off with something nasty. From Wordnik.com. [Concertina?] Reference
It may be that a caretaker is deeply concerned for a depressed friend, but struggles to imagine their experience. From Wordnik.com. [Commander in Grief] Reference
Her imitation of a human caretaker is providing scientists with new insight into social learning and the evolution of speech. From Wordnik.com. [Boing Boing] Reference
Julia rapped sharply upon it and called the caretaker's name. From Wordnik.com. [A Sheaf of Corn] Reference
Deputies called the caretaker, who opted to euthanize the horse. From Wordnik.com. Reference
Becoming a caretaker is a wonderful way for retirees to spend their golden years. From Wordnik.com. [MyLinkVault Newest Links] Reference
The witness called the caretaker, and gave them the woman's license plate number. From Wordnik.com. [WMDT Top News Stories] Reference
The caretaker is the one responsible for hopefully feeding them low carbohydrate foods. From Wordnik.com. [The Diabetes Blog] Reference
The caretaker was a harpooner who intended sailing next voyage on the whale ship Bonanza. From Wordnik.com. [John Barleycorn] Reference
"Colonel Duval is dead, however," she added -- "a caretaker is the only person there, now.". From Wordnik.com. [In Her Own Right] Reference
Berryessa told reporters that a caretaker was the only person on the property at the time of the fire. From Wordnik.com. [The Buddhist Channel] Reference
Pat Quinn was essentially called a caretaker coach, and Joe Sakic and Mario Lemieux were afterthoughts. From Wordnik.com. [Ottawa Sun] Reference
You got the tough guy (Alex), the invincible guy (Derek), the so-called caretaker who's hurting the most &. From Wordnik.com. [TV Fanatic] Reference
A caretaker was the only person at the Buddhist retreat that is typically a summertime weekend destination. From Wordnik.com. [HeraldNet.com Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News] Reference
As a stay-at-home parent, I would so happily get rid of stuff rather than be its caretaker, which is really what I do. From Wordnik.com. [Advisor: What should I do with my high school CD collection? Boing Boing] Reference
If the provision about the caretaker is a condition to the vesting of the inheritance, I might be able to make it stick. From Wordnik.com. [The Case of the Caretaker's Cat]
Perkins said a man who was identified as a caretaker assigned to check on the monkeys showed up while deputies were there. From Wordnik.com. [Homepage] Reference
A caretaker is a person who will simply occupy the seat until the voters of West Virginia elect a new senator in a special election. From Wordnik.com. [Inform - U.S. Politics] Reference
The Italian is also said to have called caretaker-boss Gareth Ainsworth 32 times in one match but Ainsworth had left his mobile on silent. From Wordnik.com. [QPR REPORT] Reference
What I was trying to tell you is that a 'caretaker' government is no problem. From Wordnik.com. [Double Star]
We know what the "caretaker" president, Ford, did after he lost his reelection bid. From Wordnik.com. [In which Mike Huckabee reminds me of Jimmy Carter.] Reference
Look for a "caretaker" to be named who will agree to serve only until the end of Byrd's term in 2012. From Wordnik.com. [He'll Never Be Forgotten in West Virginia] Reference
Therefore the sovereign must call on someone else to form a 'caretaker' government to serve until the election. From Wordnik.com. [Double Star]
In our case, we left our "caretaker" with keys to start it periodically only to find out that "road trips" had been made. From Wordnik.com. [Returning to U.S. without our car] Reference
(The Reuters article was subsequently updated, removing the "caretaker" reference and adding several more "interim" references.). From Wordnik.com. [Robert Naiman: Reuters, AP Legitimize Honduran Coup Regime as "Interim Government"] Reference
To put it bluntly, the first "caretaker" is awful at what he does. From Wordnik.com. [Home Theater Forum] Reference
While Lyons will be a good "caretaker," the city needs more than that at this time, he said. From Wordnik.com. [New Orleans Saints Central] Reference
To permit construction on a portion of the land, the lease was converted into a "caretaker" one on. From Wordnik.com. [Daily News & Analysis] Reference
Winfrey interviewed Southall via satellite from Hamilton Island, where he has been appointed the honorary "caretaker". From Wordnik.com. [Zee News : India National] Reference
Following the directive, the BMC is again preparing the grounds to enter into a "caretaker" agreement with the MCA for the Kandivli plot. From Wordnik.com. [Daily News & Analysis] Reference
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