Ellen lay out for me every way that she had seen me "castrate" men, or knew that I had by the result. From Wordnik.com. [Alison Armstrong: Finding Balance In Relationships With Men] Reference
Further yet, he has astonishingly wondered aloud if she (Pelosi) would "castrate" House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. From Wordnik.com. [Does Chris Matthews have a problem with women?] Reference
Catholics and Baptists don't "castrate", stone, "honor kill", or deny women entry into. From Wordnik.com. [Latest Articles] Reference
Expenses purge will 'castrate' Parliament warns Labour veteran as MPs 'wives launch High Court bid. From Wordnik.com. [WN.com - Articles related to Obesity in childhood] Reference
Expenses purge will 'castrate' Parliament warns Labour veteran as MPs 'wives launch High Court bid to keep their jobs. From Wordnik.com. [Home | Mail Online] Reference
The Clintons will castrate these microphallic fools. From Wordnik.com. [Right Wingers Organizing To Attack Hillary] Reference
He also said he would like to castrate Senator Obama. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jul 12, 2008] Reference
They castrate bulls, sheep, and goats, but never horses. From Wordnik.com. [An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa] Reference
Some people come in having tried to castrate themselves. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2009] Reference
It is not advisable to castrate the young at weaning time. From Wordnik.com. [Common Diseases of Farm Animals] Reference
BECK: Are you going to castrate child rapists in Louisiana?. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2008] Reference
I think they should "PUT AMERICA FIRST" and castrate this moron. From Wordnik.com. [Reid: What Lieberman Did Was "Improper" And "Wrong"] Reference
Exodus, 15: 9) The name castor comes from castrando, 'castrate'. From Wordnik.com. [Blog Meridian] Reference
You castrate the act, but you don't want to castrate their penises. From Wordnik.com. [Treating Victims And Their Rapists In South Africa] Reference
Coulter wanted to castrate Edwards, make him appear effeminate and soft. From Wordnik.com. [Princess of the Flies] Reference
( "You hurt my daughter," I can just hear her saying, "I castrate you."). From Wordnik.com. [Candice Bergen To 'House'] Reference
You should just go castrate and be a girl if you like to gossip so much. From Wordnik.com. [babycartercl Diary Entry] Reference
If I ever find out who did it, I will castrate them using a butter knife. From Wordnik.com. [sierrazen Diary Entry] Reference
It set out to symbolically castrate the country, and to destroy its comfort. From Wordnik.com. [My Love Affair With This City, 'The Big Karma'-From Empire State Building to Conked Mouse-Reignited by Summer I Didn't Leave One] Reference
They buy students wet from their mothers, and castrate their thought processes. From Wordnik.com. [Absolute Friends]
SIMON: You know, obviously what happened to castrate was cruel and indefensible. From Wordnik.com. [First Listen: Cecilia Bartoli, 'Sacrificium'] Reference
I presume Bernanke and Obama'steam will give us an epidural before they castrate us. From Wordnik.com. [Monetary and Fiscal Failure, Fraud, and Fear of What's Next] Reference
The Repub leadership is going to privately castrate him if he stays longer than "now". From Wordnik.com. [Craig: I'm Not Going Anywhere -- I'm Staying In Senate] Reference
Jackson's saying that he wanted to castrate Barack Obama for "talking down to black people.". From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Jul 11, 2008] Reference
But actually, castrate means ... well, let's just say sorry, Fox -- you're close, but no cigar. From Wordnik.com. [Y2K+9] Reference
They will not castrate cattle even through their servants, but sell the young bulls and buy oxen. From Wordnik.com. [The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II] Reference
And it wasn't enough to lynch an African-American, you would castrate him to add insult to injury. From Wordnik.com. [CNN Transcript Oct 31, 2007] Reference
I'm pretty sure we have the bipartisan support necessary to castrate this health care reform thing. From Wordnik.com. [shot in the arm, shot in the butt] Reference
I'm not thinking about the occasional stumble, though at the wrong time it can indeed castrate a punchline. From Wordnik.com. [After Biden Speech, Obama Makes Surprise Appearance, Hails Clintons] Reference
Someone should remind Obama he is in the white house no need to continue to castrate his Blackness anymore. From Wordnik.com. [Yes, It Would Be Different for a Republican] Reference
Instead, we are trained to point out neurological "disorders" and -- where possible, chemically castrate them. From Wordnik.com. [Anthony Collins: The Quiet Bastion of Invalid Repudiation] Reference
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