Cutting school funding using deceptive practices, like declaring catsup is a vegetable?. From [Pawlenty: GOP's 'clearly' been damaged] Reference
So the catsup was a rare item, but a valued prize nonetheless. From [Gutenber-e Help Page] Reference
I wonder if using catsup, which is quite high in vinegar, would have been better. From [Archive 2006-12-01] Reference
In the wake of a wreck at Caplin Bay, a number of cases labeled "catsup" were washed up on the beach. From [Gutenber-e Help Page] Reference
When salted they yield what is known as catsup, or ketchup (from the. From [Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure] Reference
In order to use the surplus paste, the county organized a "catsup" making contest. From [] Reference
Some cooks add a little walnut catsup, or vinegar. From [The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner] Reference
Tomato or walnut catsup may be used for flavoring. From [Dishes & Beverages of the Old South] Reference
If not rich enough, add butter and catsup if you like. From [The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner] Reference
Grape catsup jelly juice, Unfermented lemonade marmalade. From [Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals] Reference
Mix molasses, seasoning and catsup with 1 cup of the liquid. From [Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking] Reference
If it is not of the consistency of catsup, add more hot water. From [School and Home Cooking] Reference
Half a pint of white wine, spices, and catsup, will improve it. From [The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner] Reference
Color with the catsup and season with paprika and chili powder. From [Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.] Reference
Parmesan cheese, four tablespoonfuls catsup, one-half teaspoonful. From [Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.] Reference
Perhaps the best-known catsup made from fruit is grape catsup. From [Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals] Reference
Then add catsup, stir in the beef and let it become thoroughly heated. From [Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913 A Monthly Magazine of Household Interest] Reference
If desired, a dash of catsup or chili sauce may be added for flavoring. From [Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables] Reference
Nepaul pepper, 2 teaspoons of tomato catsup and a few drops of lemon juice. From [The Suffrage Cook Book] Reference
It is very nice pressed and eaten cold with mustard and vinegar, or catsup. From [The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home] Reference
If there is a large quantity of gravy less wine and catsup will be necessary. From [Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus A Collection of Practical Recipes for Preparing Meats, Game, Fowl, Fish, Puddings, Pastries, Etc.] Reference
~TOMATO catsup~ -- This catsup has a good relish on account of the onion in it. From [Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus A Collection of Practical Recipes for Preparing Meats, Game, Fowl, Fish, Puddings, Pastries, Etc.] Reference
Then strain the liquor through a sieve and simmer it down to one quart of catsup. From [The Cookery Blue Book] Reference
Pour over them the sauce to which catsup and Worcestershire Sauce have been added. From [Armour's Monthly Cook Book, Volume 2, No. 12, October 1913 A Monthly Magazine of Household Interest] Reference
A table spoonful of catsup, cloves and allspice, improve it, but are not essential. From [The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner] Reference
Now pour into the dish a cupful of stock or water, and a spoonful or two of catsup. From [The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home] Reference
Then add one-half cup tomato catsup and one cupful sweet cream, beating in gradually. From [The Community Cook Book] Reference
Add a little catsup if you like -- do them up into small balls, and fry them till brown. From [The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner] Reference
A little walnut catsup improves the pie, but is not essential -- cover it with the crust. From [The American Housewife Containing the Most Valuable and Original Receipts in all the Various Branches of Cookery; and Written in a Minute and Methodical Manner] Reference
Such catsup does not resemble the natural dull red or brown color of the homemade article. From [The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI)] Reference
If some are soft, they should be sorted out and canned for soup making or made into catsup. From [Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals] Reference
Its uses are practically the same as those of tomato catsup, and it is made in much the same way. From [Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals] Reference
A teaspoonful of mushroom catsup added to the gravy is an improvement or a squeeze of onion juice. From [365 Luncheon Dishes A Luncheon Dish for Every Day in the Year] Reference
Tonight we have meatloaf with lots of catsup, mashed potatoes dripping with butter, and, of course, peas. From [Survivor] Reference
Frank washed down the ham, sauce, and English muffin with his mimosa, the cut the sausage with his fork, dipping it catsup. From [Talk To Her] Reference
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