The term cellulite is used to describe collection of fat, that cause dimpling in the skin. From Reference
The study of cellulite is a relatively recent development in physiology. From [Invention: Cellulite Patches | Impact Lab] Reference
Amazing, Betty, there is nothing called cellulite?. From [CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006] Reference
She just wants to lose some of her "storage fat"/"cellulite" she used both terms. From [Archive 2007-05-01] Reference
I wish I could still find the piece I read about exactly when the term "cellulite" arose and became a problem. From [Planet Atheism] Reference
It's called cellulite therapy. From [CNN Transcript Aug 4, 2005] Reference
I believe that's called cellulite !. From [Cheen Pitney's "Sax Man"] Reference
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Except when you have cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Jun 15, 2007] Reference
And the cellulite you have will eventually melt away. From [CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2002] Reference
What's next: Weight Watchers sponsored "cellulite art"?. From [Dirty Pictures] Reference
I said, you don't worry about cellulite, she said, yes, I do. From [CNN Transcript Dec 23, 2009] Reference
What if we start to spread the word that cellulite looks great?. From [Forget those fashionistas – let's make cellulite the must-have look] Reference
They are printing photographs of stars 'cellulite on the beach. From [CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2005] Reference
Buy you have to lower the fat, there's nothing called cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006] Reference
I have no cellulite and I'm at an age where I should have cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2002] Reference
When I was a child, I don't remember anyone ever mentioning cellulite. From [Forget those fashionistas – let's make cellulite the must-have look] Reference
Most doctors do not believe that cellulite is a real biological entity. From [Health for Life M.D.: Keeping Fit] Reference
BROOKS: That can firm up the skin and decrease the appearance of cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2009] Reference
Now it was time to step on the scale and prove the cellulite rolls were gone. From [On first day of Redskins training camp, Albert Haynesworth learns who is boss] Reference
CALLAWAY: We do have an e-mail from Afarah (ph), who wants to know about cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2002] Reference
Christiansen's treatment, TriActive, is the product of a new wave of research into cellulite. From [The Tip Sheet] Reference
COSTELLO: Still to come, some women think it's the magic formula for getting rid of cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Aug 15, 2005] Reference
And according to dermatologist, Dr. Howard Brooks, thin or heavy, any woman can develop cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Sep 20, 2009] Reference
I hold the picture tight; lift my gaze from her cellulite thighs to meet his impatient glare. From [A Thousand Words] Reference
And here we are having to pick apart her cellulite or what the photographers thought was cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2008] Reference
(Men typically don't get cellulite because their skin is thicker and they lack these vertical bands.). From [The Tip Sheet] Reference
It ` s unacceptable for guys to go around saying that women are fat just because they ` ve got cellulite. From [CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2007] Reference
Doctors now believe that cellulite forms when the skin begins to thin, allowing fat to rise to the surface. From [The Tip Sheet] Reference
GREGORY LATRENTA WAS openly skeptical when a colleague told him about a machine that could reduce cellulite. From [Smoothing Things Over] Reference
It doesn't matter if that woman eats right and does everything right, cellulite still develops unfortunately. From [CNN Transcript Sep 20, 2009] Reference
FORTIN: Aside from inches gone, body wraps claim to help with things like cellulite, skin tone and body shaping. From [CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2008] Reference
Then Christiansen heard about a new treatment for cellulite that combines intensive massage and cool laser light. From [The Tip Sheet] Reference
Don't start dreaming of Brazilian bikinis just yet: there's still no way of permanently getting rid of cellulite. From [The Tip Sheet] Reference
Considering the obesity epidemic sweeping north america - a vibrating seat would help with the tons of cellulite. From [Dlisted - Be Very Afraid] Reference
COHEN: Because cellulite formation is mostly genetic, Brooks confesses there isn't much you can do to get rid of it. From [CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2009] Reference
Victoria, Texas: Is there a diet and exercise program you can recommend to burn off cellulite in the upper leg area?. From [Health for Life M.D.: Keeping Fit] Reference
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