If anyone doesn ` t want to wait on me, then the font for this set can be downloaded from the internet. it is called champignon and usually contains two fonts in the package. From Wordnik.com. [Donna Young's Blog] Reference
The announcer declared him the "champignon" of Papeete, but naïvely declared that Opeta was still full of fight, and challenged the universe. From Wordnik.com. [Mystic Isles of the South Seas.] Reference
I had learned from my French-speaking mother that mushroom was champignon in French. From Wordnik.com. [The English Is Coming!] Reference
In the picture: Glazed champignon hats on mini-baguettes with tsatsiki and cherry tomatoes. From Wordnik.com. [Veggie BBQ part 3 – Barbecue Burgers without Beans! « Were rabbits] Reference
Expressions appuyer sur le champignon = to step on the gas appuyer sur la chanterelle = to harp on. From Wordnik.com. [Words in a French Life] Reference
Caught up with people, pleasant to see champignon as well as several others that I don't see on a regular basis. From Wordnik.com. [art show of the living dead and a decaying bordello] Reference
The originators of this recipe, on the wishwewerebaking blog, did not soak them first, but they used dried champignon mushrooms, which are not as strong as porcinis. From Wordnik.com. [UPDATE ON MUSHROOM-LEEK GOURMET TOFU-- AND ANOTHER VERSION, TOO!] Reference
I chopped garlic, chili, half a white onion, champignon mushrooms and half a zucchini really small and sauteed them in olive oil with salt, pepper and herbes de provence. From Wordnik.com. [Backdated: Bento #5 – Open source pasta « Were rabbits] Reference
References: la soustraction (f) = subtraction; occupé = occupied; le champignon (m) = mushroom; le toit (m) = roof; une restanque (f) = terrace held by a stone wall; regardez leurs clochettes!. From Wordnik.com. [French Word-A-Day:] Reference
Apart from having to walk everywhere, they are beset by fungi (champignon in French), verrucas, warts, corns, bunions, calluses, hammertoes and ingrown nails with the sort of frequency that borders on permanence. From Wordnik.com. [Ugh! Too Many Toes! Note to New Yorkers: Please Cover Your Feet] Reference
The thermos container holds homemade ratatouille with eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper and champignon mushrooms, and the side container has grapes, wholewheat toast with cheese and a toast crust, bell pepper, nori and carrot Remy. From Wordnik.com. [Bento #98 – Putting the RAT in Ratatouille! « Were rabbits] Reference
Just search for font +champignon and you will find it. From Wordnik.com. [Donna Young's Blog] Reference
Nez de coing, poire, avec un côté champignon difficile à identifier. From Wordnik.com. [CellarTracker Tasting Notes (all notes)] Reference
Dean, aged 45, from Southport, used to cook and eat more creamy and less healthy foods such as peppercorn sauces with steaks and chicken champignon. From Wordnik.com. [British Blogs] Reference
"Whatever we don't make, we buy from an importer," Turci explained, pointing to massive pallets of champignon, Asiago, Grana Padano, brie, Romano, Taleggio and more than 300 other varieties whose names I couldn't sound out stacked floor to ceiling. From Wordnik.com. [Latest News] Reference
No, no! where the ivy now clusters there grew strong portcullis and bars of steel; where the wallflower now quivers in the rampart there were silken banners embroidered with wonderful heraldry; men-at-arms marched where now you shall only see a bank of moss or a hideous black champignon; and in place of the rats and owlets, I warrant me there were ladies and knights to revel in the great halls, and to feast, and to dance, and to make love there. From Wordnik.com. [Burlesques] Reference
What waiter -- what cook can possibly respect men who take no soup, and begin with a roti; who know neither what is good nor what is bad; who eat rognons at dinner instead of at breakfast, and fall into raptures over sauce Robert and pieds de cochon; who cannot tell, at the first taste, whether the beaune is premiere qualite, or the fricassee made of yesterday's chicken; who suffer in the stomach after champignon, and die with indigestion of a truffle?. From Wordnik.com. [Pelham — Complete] Reference
You are a champignon!. From Wordnik.com. [5 things to know about my novel] Reference
Appuie sur le champignon!. From Wordnik.com. [Words in a French Life] Reference
I call him champignon. From Wordnik.com. [0 986. Biftek Aux Champignons by Henry Augustin Beers. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, ed. 1900. An American Anthology, 1787-1900] Reference
En vne nuit naist vn champignon. From Wordnik.com. [Bacon is Shake-Speare] Reference
No, no; where the ivy now clusters there grew strong portcullis and bars of steel; where the wallflowers now quiver in the ramparts there were silken banners embroidered with wonderful heraldry; men-at-arms marched where now you shall only see a bank of moss or a hideous black champignon; and in place of the rats and owlets, I warrant me there were ladies and knights to revel in the great halls, and to feast and dance, and to make love there. ". From Wordnik.com. [Thackeray] Reference
champignons champignon (mushroom) champignons de Paris (cultivated mushrooms/button mushrooms) morille (morel) truffe (truffle) coulemelle (coulemelle/parasol mushroom) girolle (girolle) clavaire (clavaria) coprin chevelu (shaggy cap) mousseron (meadow mushroom) oronge (agaric/imperial mushroom) lit de salade (décoration) (salad bed) laitue (lettuce) mâche (corn salad/lamb's lettuce) romaine (cos lettuce) batavia (webb lettuce) roquette (rocket) pourpier (purslane) cresson (watercress) radicchio (radicchio) chicor ée frisée, scarole (endive) pissenlit (dandelion) poirée (Chinese leaves). From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
0 12 0 12 tins champignon, at 1s. 2d. From Wordnik.com. [The Land of Midian — Volume 2] Reference
"champignon," "impermanence" and "adventitious" to take out two teams. From Wordnik.com. Reference
For more information on Fresh Produce Safety, please visit Health Canada's website (http: / / www. hc-sc.gc.ca / fn-an / securit / handl-manipul / safety-salubrite / index-eng. php http: / / www. hc-sc.gc.ca / fn-an / securit / handl-manipul / safety-salubrite / melon-eng. php http: / / www. hc-sc.gc.ca / fn-an / securit / handl-manipul / safety-salubrite / tomatoe-tomate-eng. php http: / / www. hc-sc.gc.ca / fn-an / securit / handl-manipul / safety-salubrite / herb-herbe-eng. php http: / / www. hc-sc.gc.ca / fn-an / securit / handl-manipul / safety-salubrite / leafy-feuille-eng. php http: / / www. hc-sc.gc.ca / fn-an / securit / handl-manipul / safety-salubrite / mushroom-champignon-eng. php. From Wordnik.com. [Marketwire - Breaking News Releases] Reference
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