She is an expert in Aeschylean tragedies. From
There is little in this play but long choral odes; yet one or two Aeschylean features are evident. From [Authors of Greece] Reference
Similar vagaries of pitch arise through Carson's decision to replicate Aeschylean word-coinages, where two words are compounded into one. From [Archive 2009-03-01] Reference
If the Aeschylean conception of sōphrosynē can be glossed by the Apolline “Nothing in excess” and “Think mortal thoughts,” the Sophoclean virtue is closer to. From [Dictionary of the History of Ideas] Reference
Aeschylean tragedy to Platonic dialogue, via Euripides, is described by Nietzsche both as decline from a supreme moment of human expression, and as the rescuing of that moment for modern discourses supposed to be non-dramatic. From [Post-Secular Conviviality] Reference
Also, what Albin Lesky wrote in '65 may bear upon the progression under discussion in terms of the character-flaw conundrum: Aeschylean tragedy shows faith in a sublime and just world order, and is in fact inconceivable without it. From [Soul man ...] Reference
In place of the strong unbroken sweep of a resistless current, which characterized the evolution of an Aeschylean drama, he had insisted on an orderly division of a plot into acts and scenes, as though one should break up the sheer plunge of a single waterfall into a well-balanced group of cascades. From [The Growth of English Drama] Reference
The Tartarean part of the story is, in fact, post-Aeschylean. From [Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays] Reference
But the theory of Aeschylean Tragedy is the illumination of life. From [The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19] Reference
She is conceived on the grand Aeschylean scale, a scale which makes even. From [The Agamemnon of Aeschylus Translated into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notes] Reference
Nor does the coarseness with which our great poet is reproached lack an Aeschylean parallel. From [Among My Books First Series] Reference
In all literature there is no more terrible image: Shakespeare's horror of bloodshed has more than Aeschylean intensity. From [The Man Shakespeare] Reference
In fact, the Soviets became caught up in a tragedy of Aeschylean scale, whose unintended consequences have reshaped the world. From [Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |] Reference
Hermann Buchholtz discovers scenic changes worthy of Shakespeare, and passages of Aeschylean grandeur, in his tragedy "Sofonisba.". From [Old Calabria] Reference
I am told that the thirty seconds of absolute silence which followed this question seemed like an eternity, and that the agony on the young man's face was Aeschylean. From [Marge Askinforit] Reference
The Libation Bearers and the Hallows epilogue is no Eumenides, it cannot be the foreshadowing bit of genius any drop of the Aeschylean card invites a reader to imagine it must be. From [] Reference
However silly (or meaningful) the Aeschylean references to head and feet as Electra's points of recognition, however, the central event of this pivotal act is prayer and a revelation that is cast as a recognizing. From [] Reference
Their thought, when not merely practical, is as full of traditional wisdom and extravagant pictures as that of some Aeschylean chorus, and no matter what the topic is, it is as though the present were held at arms length. From [Synge and the Ireland of His Time] Reference
He wrote Homeric epics and Aeschylean tragedies, instead of masques and sonnets, of rhymed pieces on the Italian model, like "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso," and of stanzaic poems, like the "Nativity Ode," touched with Elizabethan conceits. From [A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century] Reference
I associate them with concerts of Bach - but perhaps this ties us to something like the feelings of the audience for the original classical tragedies, when the Aeschylean chorus interrupts the action to sing of some relevant myth or other. From [Opera Today] Reference
Perhaps the cause of the unrest he makes us feel is this: he knew that the highest artistic method was the old Aeschylean symbolic one, and tried to use it; but at the same time was compelled by the gross emanations of the age, which he was not quite strong enough to rise above, to treat his matter not symbolically, but realistically. From [The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19] Reference
Perhaps my poetical sense is not convinced all through, and certainly my critical sense is not worth convincing, but I am delighted to be able to call by the name of Aeschylus, under the authority of Mr. Burges, those noble electrical lines (electrical for double reasons) which had struck me twenty times as Aeschylean, when I read them among the recognised fragments of Sophocles. From [The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)] Reference
Dissecting Aeschylean and Euripidean Drama vis à vis The Frogs. From [Everything2 New Writeups] Reference
"frowning towers" of the Aeschylean tragedy, the trumpet-note of. From [Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology] Reference
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