Mr. Franco's agenda was too long. From
The Bloc's main agenda is the dissolution of Canada. From [Dear Mr. Cheney] Reference
Their main agenda is political control of the region. From [Al Qaeda Strategist Knocks Obama - The Caucus Blog -] Reference
The republicans main agenda is to try and make the president fail, consequently our country and us. From [Obama says opponents reducing health care reform to 'politics'] Reference
Not only that, their main agenda is to prove that a Black man is not smart enough to be President of the United States. From [House liberals tell Obama public option is 'essential'] Reference
Yet the faux patriotic viewers go along with propaganda inspired and funded by foreigners whose main agenda is to tear our country apart. From [Think Progress » O’Reilly Gripes That Haiti Benefit Organizers Are Ignoring Him — After His Network Refused To Air The Event] Reference
The main agenda is to make Government less accountable to the people and more powerful - similar to socialist and totalitarian governments. From [Sound Politics: Dismantling your constitutional rights, one step at a time] Reference
The first item on the agenda is the number of channels. From [sxsw film attendees almost discover rettiwt] Reference
I hope his agenda is aggressively persued and accomplished. From [Obama announces $2.4 billion in grants for cleaner cars] Reference
"We have discussed it, and his agenda is my agenda," he said. —. From [New York Giants Team Report] Reference
Next on the "agenda" is the first left-handed mayor of Houston????. From [Houston runoff could elect city's first gay mayor] Reference
“Much of our agenda is accomplished just by being here,” she says. From [Print - Still Waiting for “Year of the Woman” |] Reference
Their "agenda" is to get everyone to stop treating them like 2nd class citizens. From [Gates to Congress: Don't mess with 'don't ask, don't tell' yet] Reference
Dems are losing support from many business folks because their agenda is anti business!. From [Poll: GOP makes gains in battle for Congress] Reference
The meeting begins; the agenda is announced; issues are raised, discussed, and decided upon. From [Communicating across cultures] Reference
DONNELLY: Oh absolutely because if this kind of agenda is forced upon, say, the Marine Corp. From [Think Progress » Top DADT Advocate Says Abu Ghraib Abuses Happened Because Women Are Allowed In The Military] Reference
But that doesn't change the fact this issue on the 100-hour agenda is all rhetoric and no reality. From [Sound Politics: Welcome to Congress, Have a Nice Majority] Reference
As I wrote this morning, repealing or rescinding any or even most of this agenda is almost impossible. From [Howard Dean threatens primary challenges on public option ‘no’ votes. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState] Reference
The Liberals couldn't care less, as anyone who disagrees with their agenda is an unpatriotic, fascist, angry mob. From [Poll: Are town hall protests changing minds?] Reference
In the same vein, anyone who talks like a birther and supports the birther agenda is a birther himself — period. From [Think Progress » Rep. Deal says he’s not questioning Obama’s ‘legitimacy’ while asking for his birth certificate.] Reference
On the agenda is the revamping of the American health care system, possibly the most complex legislation in modern history. From [POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 28, 2009] Reference
When President Obama took office I watched with certainty that his agenda is the American people and not special interest groups. From [Borger: Obama was tough and determined] Reference
~ingrid .... next on the agenda is your swiss meringue. From [Red Hot Velvet Cupcakes w/ Boiled Buttercream Frosting] Reference
The centerpiece of the president's first-term agenda seemed doomed. From [How She Would Govern] Reference
And they are coming together around a more long-term agenda for. From [CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2001] Reference
McMorran Blvd. The agenda is short with five resolutions and one letter. From [ Matt's Sports Attack] Reference
Tonight, President Bush's second-term agenda is facing rising opposition. From [CNN Transcript Apr 21, 2005] Reference
And he will lay out the second term agenda, which they have failed to do so far. From [CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2004] Reference
OBAMA: A week from today, I'll be talking about this long-term agenda in more detail. From [CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2008] Reference
Julia Gillard's second-term agenda, but could face changes from three independents and one. From [Latest News - Yahoo!7 News] Reference
GOP leaders agree, saying it's way too early to predict how Bush's second-term agenda will fare. From [A WHITE HOUSE ADRIFT] Reference
We will debate President Bush's second term agenda and Congress 'blueprint for the next session. From [CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2004] Reference
The Democratic base demanded action on long term agenda items regardless of the economic realities. From [The New Republic - All Feed] Reference
A new video exposing President Obama's long-term agenda with his health reform initiative started making the rounds over the weekend. From [Verum Serum] Reference
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