Adjective : a prosaic mind. From
There is the grandiosity of that self-description – splendidly undercut by the prosaicness of the "twenty practical actions for happiness", which urges people to hug each other, exercise more often and say thank you more often. From [Happiness: When smiling becomes policy | Editorial] Reference
We still don't know the decisive elements that went into that change from an older style of symbolism and writing poetry to the new style — the new style being a new type of visionariness but also a certain intermingling of prosaicness or a diminished fear of the difference between prose and poetry. From [An Interview with Harold Bloom] Reference
His seeming repetitiveness, his clumsy prosaicness, and his insistence on a kind of pop-culture. From [Comments for Ballardian] Reference
Its pretention to historic accuracy begot prosaicness in its approach to the style of the chronicles. From [Four Arthurian Romances] Reference
She had sung in the choir when she was a girl, and had an enduring love for music, which age and prosaicness could not affect. From [A Wandering Samaritan] Reference
Thoughts have some characteristics of fancy, of freedom, even of unreality, which are wanting to the prosaicness of heavy material things. From [The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps] Reference
But, alas! for the prosaicness of this workaday world, they had to assume the attitudes of lawyer and client; and discourse of crime instead of love. From [The Silent House] Reference
But a mill-village is one vast expanse of mediocrity and prosaicness, and it would take a bigger nature than Peter's to recognize the beautiful in such a life. From [The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him] Reference
All her meanness and prosaicness was forgotten, all her imperfections and shortcomings; it was home, the one tangible thing in the glittering emptiness of the spheres. From [Gulliver of Mars] Reference
You must be logged in to comment on this article. banality = triteness, vapidity, staleness, unimaginativeness, lack of originality, prosaicness, dullness; informal corniness. antonym originality. From [The Full Feed from] Reference
He was a jolly, prosaic man, Master Mayor, very proud of his prosaicness, as you rarely see a real man of his poetry: he maintained, though Mrs. Mayor nearly swooned at the idea, that he would sooner have a pig-sty than a batch of heroes. From [Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes] Reference
"The rainbow vanishes, and the sordidness and the prosaicness become rather horribly apparent, especially when one finds oneself obliged to look at them after having steadily ignored their existence. From [Antony Gray,—Gardener] Reference
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