radiosensitive cancer cells can be treated with radiotherapy. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Leukemia is a very radiosensitive cancer, and cases of leukemia in children around nuclear power plants are elevated. From [Press Release-FUSE USA Files Indian Point Health Contention] Reference
The surface team on Satellite A found a web of radiosensitive, metallic stuff all over the rock, woven into it in some fashion. From [Across The Sea Of Suns]
The potential dangers of mammograms occur from too much radiation to the most radiosensitive tissue of the body which does increase breast cancer risk as more mammograms are given to women over extended periods of time. From [Dr. Erika Schwartz: New Guidelines For Mammography : A Reason For Celebration] Reference
So, what's happened is, because children are 10 to 20 times more radiosensitive than adults and get cancer much more readily, the incidents of childhood cancer in Basra, where these weapons were used, has gone up 6 to 12 times. From [CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2002] Reference
Malignant cells have greater reproductive capacity hence are more radiosensitive. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
If the checkpoints are working but the cell has a defective DNA repair system, the cell will be radiosensitive. From [Health News from Medical News Today] Reference
Radiological signs of osteoclastoma: a. Irradiation of the tumour which is very radiosensitive. a. Expansion of one end of a bone. b. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
… In 400 years (20 human generations), the local populations in the Chernobyl-contaminated areas can be less radiosensitive than they are today. From [Atomic Insights Blog] Reference
Such experiences, coupled with his academic career, have led Brodsky and others to push police officers, firefighters and the public in general to get a SIRAD, a self-indicating instant radiation alert dosimeter, or the smaller RADSticker, which uses radiosensitive ink. From [ - Top Stories] Reference
The abstract to their paper states, "The toxicity of ionizing radiation is associated with massive apoptosis in radiosensitive organs. From [RO.RSS] Reference
Irradiation (very radiosensitive tumour). e. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
Sarcoma is not radiosensitive / radio curable. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
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