Adjective : readable handwriting. From
Document too side to fit readably onto the screen?. From [Icons Lightsaber | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles] Reference
It was a little shaky, but the wax was readably engraved. From [Funeral Games]
And it would be nice if they were formatted as clearly and readably as possible. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Something worth producing:] Reference
The worlds of the refugees are spread out among hundreds of millions of stars and not readably findable. From [Archive 2007-05-02] Reference
The answer was sketched quickly and readably: the alien, too, was either a pilot or had some authority over flyers. From [Star Born] Reference
Six years ago, there were no maps or guide books readably available in our little coastal B.C. town of Powell River. From [Mexico beach Christmas] Reference
Millions of Americans forced to vote on DREs (touch screen computers) which the government now admits are readably hackable. From [The 2006 National Media Reform Conference Ignored the Greatest Threat to its Existence] Reference
However clear his idea of a play may be he cannot express it clearly and readably without a background of other plays to refer to. From [Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing] Reference
New Hampshire life and scenery, and an infinity of like material, are readably, and not incongruously, presented in her little book. From [Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, August, 1878] Reference
A handsome, agonised man of thirty, with a strong body and a fierce, tormented heart, his lips framing silently but readably in the altar-light. From [A Rare Benedictine]
This will yield you a very brief and to the point chunk of XML that at least Mozilla and Internet Explorer will render quite readably for you. From [Archive 2006-01-01] Reference
This means that these terms are uniquely, persistently and machine readably identified in a way that will enable use in semantic web developments. From [Dublin Core] Reference
Indeed, 'Hallelujah Junction' stands with books by Hector Berlioz and Louis Armstrong among the most readably incisive autobiographies of major musical figures. From [An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.] Reference
The only copy of the final issue of the Korvac arc I could find was a shredded pitiful mess, with much of the cover missing, but thankfully with a readably complete if torn interior. From [Top 158 Comic Book Runs #153-149 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources] Reference
Revolution, should have written most readably on it, and that, still more blind to the manifest path of free labor and of utility, he should still have assumed a pseudo-radical position. From [The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy] Reference
Andrea Rubenstein blogs intelligently and readably about how a privileged person should interact with (for lack of a better term, since I refuse to use the word "oppressed") a person who does not share that privilege. From [Privilege and Its Discontents] Reference
Detlev Claussen's "Theodor W. Adorno: One Last Genius" (readably translated from the German by Rodney Livingstone) should be read more as a companion to Adorno's notoriously difficult writings than as a biography pure and simple. From [Capitalism and Its Malcontent] Reference
But it captures so much of what I wanted to say and says it so directly and so readably -- and I think it's an easy book to read -- that I think that it's pretty close to an A-minus, but I'm -- you know, I'll leave that up to you. From [To Renew America] Reference
Seamlessly the author weaves together the "world lines" of Riemann and the eminent mathematicians who either motivated or followed up on his work, explaining carefully and readably the essential mathematical contributions made by each. From [THE INDIAN CLERK: FURTHER READING # 3] Reference
This presents many formatting changes: the centered title will go to the left; the italicized chapter contents will become regular text, and the em-dashes will become "--"; the degree symbol needs to be replaced with ASCII "deg.", and of course we need to render the table readably. From [The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002] Reference
Very readably, splendidly written, and still relevant today in many ways. From Reference
Components outside the core software, however, were not as readably scalable. From [Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz] Reference
You trusted us filter news and information and to prioritise it -- and to pass it on accurately, fairly, readably and quickly. From [Techdirt] Reference
Tacitus 'own Life, and of what he has to tell of others, very readably indeed to my Thinking: and so far I think my Thinking is to be relied on. From [Letters of Edward FitzGerald in Two Volumes Vol. II] Reference
Shaming the Devil, a book of essays, wasn't just written well, and readably, and wisely, it looked clearly at the promises and limits of the modern era. From [Epinions Recent Content for Home] Reference
The announcement was made in the Google blog, which referenced the Google comic book (officially released on Google books but more readably presented by Blogoscoped). From [Open IT Strategies] Reference
I think the answer is simple: The Kindle's 800×600 e-ink screen has too few pixels to render a typical PDF file readably, and its refresh rate is too slow for comfortable scrolling. From [Planet Debian] Reference
What is more, she has the gift of writing readably about both children and books, and an unusual faculty for reconciling those somewhat opposite poles -- things children like to read and the things it is well for them to read. From [When Winter Comes to Main Street] Reference
The book is very readably written, is well illustrated with numerous clear figures, and should appeal to a large body of readers. ". From [Platform Monologues] Reference
Work, memories of his New England childhood and rants against pomposity, this "wry, smart and forthright memoir," as our reviewer, David Hajdu, called it, is "among the most readably incisive autobiographies of major musical figures.". From [NYT > Home Page] Reference
The announcement was made more readably presented by Blogoscoped). From [Software Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha] Reference
The New York Times often takes on causes on the editorial page, perhaps they could also lead the way in establishing effective an readably available means for people to speak. ". From [Nicholas D. Kristof] Reference
Click the graphic for a readably sized version. From [Archive 2007-07-01] Reference
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