Here is at last an American that we may place unapologetically beside the great recognized creative figures of any other country. From [Arthur V. Berger commenting on the music of Aaron Copland]
A recognized authority. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Verb (used with object), : He had changed so much that one could scarcely recognize him. ,I recognized him from the description. They recognized him as a fraud. ,to be the first to recognize a fact. ,The Speaker recognized the Congressman from Maine. ,The United States promptly recognized Israel. ,to recognize a successful revolutionary regime as the de facto government of the country. ,to recognize a claim. From
This is a term recognized by tax but not immigration law. From [ Main RSS Feed] Reference
Normalized EBITDA is not a term recognized under Canadian GAPP. From [Marketwire - Breaking News Releases] Reference
A parliament in tranquillity, and have his title recognized by the whole. From [The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. From Henry III. to Richard III.] Reference
XxiNor is the word recognized as any different from the adjectival phrase de luxe in the Oxford English Dictionary. From [The English Is Coming!] Reference
"Well, at the time I wasn't aware of it, but I think there's a term recognized now called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.". From [Cruel Deception]
Steverino wrote: “… term “irreducibly complex”, is this a term recognized by the real scientific community …”. From [Woodward and Pitts on ID - The Panda's Thumb] Reference
Some sea-captain recognized the Energon as the yacht. From [Goliah] Reference
Toward the end of the event, he was recognized from the dais. From [DeMorning DeBonis: Sept. 27, 2010] Reference
The only title recognized by statute to the Viceroy is that of. From [Indian Unrest] Reference
They stared at Larosiliere, whom they recognized from the courtroom. From [Giving "The Devil" His Due] Reference
Even today the roads and hill are easily recognized from the old days. From [Never Forgotten Newsletter] Reference
Do you get recognized from the VitaminWater commercial that's on television?. From [Q&A with Olympic badminton hopeful Howard Bach] Reference
Putin recognized that democracy in Russia was still a fragile and uncertain thing. From [Putin the Terrible] Reference
The real danger to be recognized is the developing push for confrontation with Iran. From [A ‘Day’ of Intel « Blog] Reference
NOGUCHI: Her grandfather Roy's business: Disney, a name recognized everywhere on Earth. From [Showdown Over Bush Cuts Revives Estate Tax Fight] Reference
You might have recognized the Italian word "Garantita", which translates to "guarantee". From [Chattanooga Pulse] Reference
The voice belonged to a woman Connell recognized from the last investigation into the Kings. From [NaNoWriMo: Tragedy « The Graveyard] Reference
The labels recognized the value of what we were doing and were supportive from the beginning. From Reference
You think you are revealing a deep family secret here that none of us recognized from the get go. From [Bill Clinton says Chelsea may go into politics] Reference
"I'd like to get the name recognized," Bob Pinzon, 54, a descendant of the navigators, said Monday. From [Archive 2007-10-01] Reference
The designation recognized NHS for achieving at a high academic level for a low amount of tax dollars. From [ Top Stories] Reference
Just for identification purposes, iLink is the name recognized by Sony to their version of the same cable. From [ New Blogs and RSS Feeds] Reference
Just for identification purposes, iLink is the name recognized by Sony to their variation of the same cable. From [ New Blogs and RSS Feeds] Reference
Some sea-captain recognized the Energon as the yacht Scud, once owned by Merrivale of the New York Yacht Club. From [Goliah] Reference
I could reach was that the sensitive skin recognized the difference of temperature between shade and sunshine. From [Chapter 33] Reference
Of course, the riddle for him is how he can figure out how a way to get his name recognized outside of Indiana. From [CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006] Reference
A mega city is usually defined as a recognized metropolitan area with a total population in excess of 10 million people. From ["news" via big sleep in Google Reader] Reference
As he started to be recognized from the show, he "used to tease the acts that I wouldn't book anyone less famous than me.". From [Collinsworth takes NBC handoff in announcing booth] Reference
We sat outside chatting for a while, and I turned around to see two people I recognized from the National Gallery of Canada. From [ Recent Updates] Reference
And although I don't speak Hungarian, I was pretty sure I recognized the English word "design" several times during my visit. From [NYT > Travel] Reference
The student next to me bore a famous last name that I recognized from a high school history text (not Rockefeller, but close). From [Lost in the Meritocracy] Reference
And if it is you're screwed because there is nothing anyone can do to get their name recognized alongside the UFC with casuals. From [Bloody Elbow] Reference
Organic is term recognized as products that are not genetically modified and are produced free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. From [PRWeb - Daily News Feed] Reference
My father and mother recognized the German word for 'shit' from Freud's many performances. From [The Hotel New Hampshire]
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