La reflexion a la con "j'ai la meme teinture qu'Ezy" XD. From [pinku-tk Diary Entry] Reference
On reflexion, however, the following ideas occurred to me. From [The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order] Reference
In all this there is no reflexion or commentary by the author. From [Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature] Reference
Marquise of the Quai Malaquais, with the satisfying reflexion that. From [The Guermantes Way] Reference
Hearne, however, had an idea that it was a reflexion on the Lollards. From [The Customs of Old England] Reference
Aussi j'ai oublié plein de "reflexion hebdo" je vous en met deux ici. From [pinku-tk Diary Entry] Reference
Accordingly, all composition or reflexion I reserve for the hour of my walk. From [The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order] Reference
Thus far I could go through my own observation and reflexion, but no further. From [Man or Matter] Reference
I leave you to the reflexion of your own conscience: I wish you not a greater evil. From [The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale] Reference
She was held in check only by the reflexion that it would be wiser perhaps to consult. From [The Guermantes Way] Reference
Each stage in the etheric has its reflexion in the physical, as the above table shows. From [Man or Matter] Reference
In the first instance complete reflexion takes place; in the second, complete absorption. From [Man or Matter] Reference
Non lundi matin c mieux je pense ... ca leur laisse le temps de la reflexion le week end!!. From [pinku-tk Diary Entry] Reference
Give my comment a little quiet reflexion, think outside the box, and you might learn something. From [On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...] Reference
He believed in impulse, in inspiration, in action, rather than in reflexion, analysis and logic. From [The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'] Reference
One must console oneself with the reflexion that complicated affairs are rarely settled in a day. From [The Guermantes Way] Reference
The bodily feebleness which impeded her immediate retreat, gave force to a little mental reflexion. From [Camilla] Reference
It will have been sufficiently seen that he was not a man to neglect any good chance for reflexion. From [The Ambassadors] Reference
J'ai quand meme eu le droit a une reflexion de la part de ma soeur mais j'ai fait comme si de rien n'etait. From [pinku-tk Diary Entry] Reference
Elle m'a retorqué que j'avais qu'a commander en France mais alors la la reflexion conne parce que c une exclu Japon!. From [pinku-tk Diary Entry] Reference
Neither his motion, or aspect are regular, but he mooues by the vpper spheres, and is the reflexion of higher substances. From [Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters] Reference
All which doth evidently follow from what has been already said, and will clearly appear to anyone by a little reflexion. From [A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley] Reference
It so fell in, unhappily for Strether, with that reflexion of his own prompted in him by the pleasant air of the Boulevard. From [The Ambassadors] Reference
This could have been the perfect photo for a "reflexion" theme day; -), but no, I photographed it just for the sake of it. From [ParisDailyPhoto] Reference
It is also by way of such reflexion that the I first grows aware of itself - but as nothing more than an image among images. From [Man or Matter] Reference
Shakespeare's greatest tragedies abound in passages of deep reflexion upon life, death, and the problems of right and wrong. From [The Growth of English Drama] Reference
You yourself said at the time that my speech was not merely complimentary to you, but absolutely a reflexion on your colleagues. From [The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order] Reference
Early humanism and reflexion on myth -- two processes: (1) rejection of the grosser myths; (2) refinement of myth through poetry 40. From [Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature] Reference
Comme ca des qu'on se moquera de moi quand je baille ou que je m'endors ou qu'on me fera une reflexion sur ma molesse, je porterai plainte. From [pinku-tk Diary Entry] Reference
They concern the reflexion of the various planetary movements, observable in the sky, in the behaviour of certain mineral substances of the earth. From [Man or Matter] Reference
With diuersitie of coulers, sweetlye set, and aptlye disposed, the reflexion of one beautifing another, and all together making a gratious obiect. From [Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame] Reference
When in either instance the eye registers 'white' it registers exactly the same event, namely, the total reflexion of the light by the surface struck by it. From [Man or Matter] Reference
The brightnes of the works expressed through the reflexion of the lights, and the sparkling of the pretious stones were such, as my eies dazeled to behold them. From [Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame] Reference
This theory of reflexion is the incubus which clogs the question with such formidable difficulties; for, it follows, that the reflecting matter must come from the comet. From [Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence] Reference
It is that through which we perceive and apprehend all other things; and nothing becomes part of our knowledge but as it has been shaped and coloured by its magic reflexion. From [Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847] Reference
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