Adjective : moth-repellant. From
I have found the best repellant is Avon Skin So Soft. From [A couple of newbie questions...] Reference
The absolute best mosquito repellant is the stuff used by The US military. From [Mosquitoes?] Reference
My current favorite repellant is the Autan crema, it seems to stay on better. From [Mosquitoes?] Reference
Quick-&-Dirty bug repellant is to rub a freshly cut limon on the exposed skin. From [home remedies] Reference
As for 'repellant' aspects, as long as not gratutous, I'd keep reading. From [How Far is Too Far?] Reference
He also covers his exposed parts with Bushmaster insect repellant which is a vile substance - so all in all he's a hot package all right. From [ Recent Updates] Reference
Always use insect repellant, sunblock, drink fluids. From [CNN Transcript Sep 14, 2009] Reference
Selfishness predominates, and selfishness is repellant. From [The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864] Reference
Trix's ear, catching the note, found it almost repellant. From [Antony Gray,—Gardener] Reference
The intellectual snob is quite as repellant as any other. From [Public Speaking] Reference
When did the buying of the house start to become repellant?. From [Free Time] Reference
I-- what did -- did they put something on him as a shark repellant?. From [CNN Transcript Dec 11, 2008] Reference
The chances of its being even more repellant in some way are enormous. From ["A Wedding Feast" (a lost parable of Jesus)] Reference
Scientists developed specialized nets, treated with a chemical repellant. From [CNN Transcript Dec 16, 2006] Reference
If the repellant has an age restriction, it must be stated on the product. From [Safe insect repellent tips for babies and children] Reference
In the strongest and most repellant character of the novel, Hollingsworth. From [The Romance of Old New England Rooftrees] Reference
Apparently, something in the repellant makes the sunscreen not work as well. From [CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008] Reference
BLITZER: They can't deal with that if they can't drop those water -- the repellant. From [CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2007] Reference
Thirdly, this surprised me, do not use an insect repellant and sunscreen combination. From [CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008] Reference
Such repellant bindings are only fit to serve as models to be avoided by the librarian. From [A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries] Reference
She was particularly homely and there was something awkward and repellant in her manner. From [Madge Morton, Captain of the Merry Maid] Reference
And I remember that I saw that in a movie that you can actually set the repellant on fire. From [CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2006] Reference
I want every single pair of glasses I've ever had strung up with bat repellant and bunting. From [Will #17] Reference
But apparently there are ingredients in the repellant that makes the sunscreen not work as well. From [CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008] Reference
Brush the teeth at least twice a day -- nothing is more repellant than a bad odor from the mouth. From [the ones that read this all the way through will go on to be great mothers and wives] Reference
Good health is always attractive; ill-health, invalidism, nervousness, are very apt to be repellant. From [Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls] Reference
They only borrowed in hard necessity; but borrowing on usury to make a profit by it was as repellant to the. From [Usury A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View] Reference
Through the wild life service of the Department of the Interior, we obtained a repellant that was effective. From [Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950] Reference
And lastly, in flood conditions where there's standing water, you're going to want insect repellant containing Deet. From [CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2007] Reference
She had never dreamed this man could appear so repellant as now, with his stubble of beard and this convict garb upon him. From [The Furnace of Gold] Reference
Between the two there lay that repellant resemblance which made them like close relations, -- closer when they were silent. From [The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861] Reference
The soul of love goes out and paints the dark or the suffering or the repellant faithfully, bringing it in to the light where. From [Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873] Reference
Most of them had a repellant look on their pigment-painted faces, and I could very distinctly see that I was not a welcome visitor. From [Through Five Republics on Horseback, Being an Account of Many Wanderings in South America] Reference
Let's remember American leaders, head of government as well as head of state, often embrace people who are quite morally repellant. From [CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2009] Reference
Alec and Louisa do not invite friendship -- they are extremely proud and shy and so reserved as to be almost repellant to strangers. From [Rainbow Hill] Reference
I would tell you to probably put the insect repellant on first, because that evaporates away a little bit, and then rub in the sunscreen. From [CNN Transcript Jun 7, 2003] Reference
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