Don Porfirio matched ambition in repressing rebellion with enthusiasm for culture. From [A gala in Oaxaca] Reference
Regardless of the truth, the winner is the side who is successful in repressing the other. From [Bias on Wikipedia?] Reference
Fernando Mazanga accused the government of "repressing" the demonstrators. From [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
To think otherwise about death for example, is to think that "repressing" death somehow "eliminates" death. From [Humanity in general, and America in particular, have become contemptuous of wisdom] Reference
Is Angelina Jolie "repressing" Shiloh by letting her dress like a boy?. From [WeSmirch] Reference
The opposition Democratic Unity coalition blames the government for "repressing" the. From [] Reference
"Agreed," returned Germain, repressing his expectancy. From [The False Chevalier or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette] Reference
'Yes,' the young man answered, repressing a sick shudder. From [VC — A Chronicle of Castle Barfield and of the Crimea] Reference
MacDonald copes the way all of Southie copes — by repressing. From [Bearing Witness] Reference
Indeed it was with difficulty he succeeded in repressing a yawn. From [The Motor Pirate] Reference
But she was clearly repressing some lingering emotion -- Sadness?. From ['Mad Men': Who was this week's empowered heroine -- Allison or Peggy?] Reference
Jerry stepped forward, with difficulty repressing his excitement. From [The Brighton Boys in the Radio Service] Reference
He feared the results of the emotion she was repressing so rigidly. From [The Sheik] Reference
He tiptoed away from Morgan's door, repressing his desire behind his beard. From [Trail's End] Reference
Both shared an interest in repressing the peasantry, for reasons of power and money. From [Robert Amsterdam: Emergency Powers and Thailand's Internal Colonization] Reference
They have been shunned by the international community for repressing their own people. From [Destroying The Afghan Past] Reference
You are so dignified and repressing that I am always considering what you will think a liberty. From [Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905] Reference
He did not reply at once, and when he did, it was evident he was repressing some strong emotion. From [That Mainwaring Affair] Reference
Anyway, he'd been a man who suffered so from repressing himself that "privacy" had become a prison. From [The Story He Told Himself] Reference
He picked them up in silence, repressing the tears that stood in his big black eyes, and turned to go. From [The Spinner's Book of Fiction] Reference
"Have you posted that letter?" her father asked, repressing as well as he could his show of eagerness. From [Hidden Gold] Reference
I had painted Clinton into a corner, and he responded by resenting the question and repressing the answers. From [Why The President Should Tell All] Reference
"The postman's whistle," replied Miss Masters calmly, repressing a smile as she started for the outer door. From [Little Lost Sister] Reference
She made few complaints; she was evidently repressing expression of the recurring symptoms of her discomfort. From [Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness] Reference
Your subconscious mind is subconscious because you're constantly repressing or you're constantly keeping it down. From [Wilco Reaches for the 'Sky'] Reference
That is, repressing some desire for a time, sacrificing something temporarily in order to gain an advantage later. From [Quiet Talks on Power] Reference
Bob thought he heard him give a little grunt in doing so; but just then he was interested in repressing his own feelings. From [The Saddle Boys in the Grand Canyon or The Hermit of the Cave] Reference
However, much of Japan's competitive resurgence has come as a result of repressing employment and wages (not unlike in Germany). From [Japan's Not-So-Hot Recovery] Reference
Some prased him for the repressing of thyft and oppressioun; otheris disprased him for the defoulling of menis wyffis and virgines. From [The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)] Reference
I'd been repressing for a long time this sort of cultural thing for me, as being a Canadian, was that I was very passive-aggressive. From [Alanis and Her Anger] Reference
He thought he might fairly say that if we succeed in repressing the slave-trade, as he believed we should, we should in a few years receive. From [Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject] Reference
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