Just like, a certain gentleman I know is still called "Churik", retroflexion of his high school beau's name. From Wordnik.com. [Archive 2007-08-01] Reference
An extreme degree of anteversion or anteflexion, or retroversion or retroflexion, may interfere with impregnation, as the spermatozoa may find it difficult or impossible to reach the opening of the womb -- the external os. From Wordnik.com. [Woman Her Sex and Love Life] Reference
But thinking about it, given that the retroflexion isn't something that most Balanda are going to manage, for non-Bardi speakers the r is going to actually non-pointlessly lengthen the vowel, which is probably better than nothing, dontcha reckon?. From Wordnik.com. [languagehat.com: SYNTAX IN BARDI.] Reference
The principal causes of retroflexion are congestion, enlargement and tumors of the uterus. From Wordnik.com. [The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand] Reference
All South Asian languages have these retroflex forms, so that retroflexion in the extant RgVeda is explained only by. From Wordnik.com. [The Civic Platform - A Political Journal of Ideas and Analysis] Reference
However, if India had been the Indo-European homeland, surely other, if not all, Indo-European languages-Avestan in particular-would have had retroflexion. From Wordnik.com. [The Civic Platform - A Political Journal of Ideas and Analysis] Reference
Uterine and ovarian congestion, chronic inflammation, discharges, morbid enlargement, prolapsus, anteversion and retroversion, anteflexion and retroflexion, and other derangements of the womb and its appendages, are radically cured by the vibratory, rubbing, kneading, and other movements, administered through the manipulator and other mechanical appliances employed at the Invalids 'Hotel and Surgical Institute. From Wordnik.com. [The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand] Reference
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