ribbonlike noodles. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Noun : an overseas ribbon. ,clothes torn to ribbons. From Dictionary.com.
A ribbonlike, pale tongue slipped out between her thin lips and licked them. From Wordnik.com. [This Scepter'd Isle]
And how could a twist of ribbonlike metal bring them in without any action on their part?. From Wordnik.com. [Flight in Yiktor]
Two of them broke the surface with ribbonlike dorsal fins that were two meters long, stretched across sleek spines. From Wordnik.com. [Sanctuary] Reference
THE NET RESULTThe ribbonlike strands of p53 float to the double helix, where they keep a damaged cell from proliferating. From Wordnik.com. [The Cancer Killer] Reference
Like the garment Kelsier had worn the night before, it was tailored completely from separate, ribbonlike strips of cloth. From Wordnik.com. [Mistborn] Reference
He could vaguely make out the shape of them, sinuous and ribbonlike, some of them as thick as his calf, black and gleaming. From Wordnik.com. [The Seventh Scroll]
Webbing is a strong, flat, ribbonlike material with numerous climbing applications used to secure a climber or carabiner to the rock. From Wordnik.com. [How To Buy & Sell just about Everything] Reference
Large and enveloping, the cloak wasn't constructed from a single piece of cloth — rather, it was made up of hundreds of long, ribbonlike strips. From Wordnik.com. [Mistborn] Reference
Quite possibly, the shaggy, ribbonlike covering had been a first attempt at clothing, made when Zak had believed it to be an organic part of his pursuers. From Wordnik.com. [The Urth of the New Sun]
Their shadowy, ribbonlike forms undulated into slow, rippling waves, bending until their appearance was disproportionate and distorted, nearly beyond recognition. From Wordnik.com. [String Theory, Book 3: Evolution] Reference
Beneath the wall the grass of the hillside fell swiftly away, merging into a rocky precipice which plunged down to a ribbonlike road that wound round the castle rock and into the labyrinthine city. From Wordnik.com. [Hero Of Dreams]
Mr. Cloepfil's unusual solution cuts narrow, ribbonlike strips in a tight geometric pattern across the building's surface that continue three-dimensionally through the inside as light slots along ceilings and floors. From Wordnik.com. [Setting the Record Straight About Ed Stone and Brad Cloepfil] Reference
She looked to the left, following the ribbonlike avenue, past the. From Wordnik.com. [L'Assommoir] Reference
The fish send waves up and down a ribbonlike fin on the underside of their bodies to move forward and backward. From Wordnik.com. [msnbc.com: Top msnbc.com headlines] Reference
Nanobelts, which Pan first synthesized in 2001, are molecule-sized, ribbonlike structures formed of single crystals. From Wordnik.com. [Nano Tech Wire] Reference
From beneath the frill extended half a dozen jointed, bone-white arms, along with waving, ribbonlike appendages less easy to define. From Wordnik.com. [The Winds of Time] Reference
Cells used for solitary confinement are often windowless, but this one had a ribbonlike window that was seven inches wide and five feet tall. From Wordnik.com. [The New Yorker] Reference
A day's journey took them out of the forest proper into a rocky region of sparse vegetation from which they could see the river winding ribbonlike in the distance. From Wordnik.com. [Tom Slade with the Boys Over There] Reference
In the centre of the dip was a lake fed by a tiny stream that fell in a series of ribbonlike cataracts a sheer thousand feet from the snow-peaks that towered above them. From Wordnik.com. [The Hunted Woman] Reference
Using a machine called a guilloché, craftsmen mixed powdered glass and metal oxides, heating them at extremely high temperatures as they engraved designs that included ribbonlike. From Wordnik.com. [chron.com Chronicle] Reference
Nothing could stifle the thrill of that wild drive, down steep roads that tied themselves ribbonlike, round the mountain-side, and seemed to flutter, as ribbons might flutter, over precipices. From Wordnik.com. [The Port of Adventure] Reference
There, a crew of about 25 workers showed up on two massive barges to position booms and long lines of "pompoms" - ribbonlike material used to catch oil as it comes ashore - to protect the inlet leading from the Gulf of Mexico to Pensacola Bay. From Wordnik.com. [SplicedFeed] Reference
Crossing a stretch of grass, which separated them from the thoroughfare, the three young horsemen were soon standing on the ribbonlike stretch of white which wound its way through a country pleasantly green and fresh-looking after their sojourn in the desert. From Wordnik.com. [The Border Boys Across the Frontier] Reference
Such strata may be observed, crossing the hills in ribbonlike masses, though not so clearly on this elevated region as on the plains bounding the lower course of the Soane, where the vapour is more dense, the hills more scattered, and the whole atmosphere more humid. From Wordnik.com. [Himalayan Journals — Complete] Reference
Sleep Gone Awry: Researchers inch closer to causes, cures for insomnia, narcolepsy A map of neutral atoms, generated by NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer, shows a ribbonlike structure near the edge of the heliosphere, the boundary between the solar system and interstellar space. From Wordnik.com. [Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews] Reference
` other two 'would be ORB's and a variation of the ORB/CRAFT - the ` ribbonlike UFO' - seen and video'd in Stephenville, and elsewhere, (including the Atlanta area) in the last year or two. From Wordnik.com. [Dad2059's Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica] Reference
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