The latter rain ripened the grain, as the former rain in October tended to fructify the seed. From [Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible] Reference
Directly the rains ceased, the grain ripened with still greater rapidity, and was gathered in before the end of May. From [The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire] Reference
For making butter the cream should be "ripened," i.e. it should contain certain bacteria. From [School and Home Cooking] Reference
Literally "ripened," with a hard rind and crumbly curd and more powerful flavor and aroma. From [ TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at] Reference
The peaches, expensive but soulless, "ripened" in storage containers on their long journey north. From [Anchorage Daily News - Alaska News] Reference
It wasn’t until the idea ripened and exploded that I began to see that I was not becoming an advanced being like I had wanted to become. From [Yet Another Creationist Meltdown - The Panda's Thumb] Reference
The war in Europe is the ripened fruit of the old system. From [New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 April-September, 1915] Reference
Along about November, the blockbuster movies have ripened. From [Art For Autumn] Reference
Borden's unpleasant smile ripened under his now hooded eyes. From [Borden, Dream on Lord of the Pies.] Reference
Outside her window, bunches of bananas ripened before his eyes. From [‘A Handbook to Luck’] Reference
Their superficial relations had gradually ripened into friendship. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
Melons, once they've ripened, in a warmer zone of the refrigerator. From [Tip of the Day: How to store fresh fruits and vegetables] Reference
The huckleberries ripened; the "sarvices" hung thick in the forest. From [Judith of the Cumberlands] Reference
Any ripened compost around 12: 1 still will GROW plants beautifully. From [Organic Gardener's Composting] Reference
The flax had ripened, almost overnight, because of the extreme heat. From [The Wind Before the Dawn] Reference
August's tree-ripened peaches are now yielding to September's apples. From [Steve Poses: On the Road: Philadelphia's Neighborhood Farmers' Markets -- Headhouse] Reference
It was covered with blackberry vines heavy with nearly ripened fruit. From [THE TICK IS FULL] Reference
In fact, the slaver sometimes ripened into something very like a pirate!. From [Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver] Reference
The warmth of his sleep had given his cheeks the tint of a well-ripened peach. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
Most of them never ripened, just stayed green until they turned pulpy and soft. From [Harvest] Reference
These never produce fruit, for pumpkins are simply enlarged and ripened pistils. From [Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study] Reference
= The walls of the ripened ovary, the part of the fruit that encloses the seeds. From [Seasoning of Wood] Reference
I was told that as the fig grew and ripened it had all the appearance of a bloom. From [Trials and Triumphs of Faith] Reference
Many of these grafts bore flowers and had little nutlets but none of them ripened nuts. From [Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950] Reference
Jenny's presence quieted Rachel's complaints and evoked a sweetness like newly ripened fruit. From [Independent Living] Reference
Within easy reach grew trailing brambles smothered with ripened patches of fragrant blackberries. From [The Tale of Lal A Fantasy] Reference
Produce• Once your bananas have ripened, store them in the refrigerator to slow further ripening. From [Tip of the Day: How to keep food fresh] Reference
One whom time hath been thus long a working, and like winter fruit, ripened when others are shaken down. From [Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters] Reference
Find the ripened seed pods of the trillium, open them, count the number of chambers, and examine the seeds. From [Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study] Reference
I went to the refrigerator and began removing ingredients: vine-ripened tomatoes, ricotta cheese, mozzarella. From [Adults at Home] Reference
So at her bidding they gathered all the ripened stalks of the little flowers and laid them out in the sun as she directed. From [The Strange Little Girl A Story for Children] Reference
The taste of a vine-ripened, home-grown tomato is the taste of summer (though clams dipped in butter may argue that point). From [Tomato season] Reference
Apples of shame ripened my habitually pale cheeks when my English teacher, Mrs. Oakes, slammed the paper marked “C” on my desk. From [Midnight Snack] Reference
The creamy burrata is surrounded by vine-ripened cherry tomatoes bursting with flavor, tossed in olive oil and pungent basil leaves. From [Mara Gibbs: Everybody Eats Where? In The Hamptons Part 2 Tutto ll Giorno] Reference
Lily had ripened out, was becoming more beautiful, more of a woman daily, despite the fact that her Pa still treated her like a kid. From [The Bill-Toppers] Reference
Digital pundits described this as a transitional year, when previously announced technologies finally ripened into plausible products. From [The Rosy View From CES] Reference
What about the joy of biting into a sweet tree-ripened white nectarine or a Ginger Gold apple, the first apple of apple's long season. From [Steve Poses: On the Road: Philadelphia's Neighborhood Farmers' Markets -- Clark Park] Reference
So cultivated the plants become weakened, the pods shortened, and the seeds less numerous, and better ripened; and these seeds give from. From [Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants] Reference
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