Notable are Tabebuia angustata (roble de yugo), Fraxinus cubensis (búfano), Annona glabra, Gueltarda combiri, Sabal parviflora, Bucida palustris, Hibiscus elatus, H. tiliaceus (majagua), Jatropha integerrima, Copernicia spp. From [Cuban wetlands] Reference
Saturday (1) I went ashore, and there I saw three morses that they had killed: they held one tooth of a Morse, which was not great, at a roble, and one white beare skin at three robles and two robles: they further tolde me, that there were people called. From [The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation] Reference
Madness roble: honestly wht the fcuk jus happened?? defense went awol!!. From [Soccer Blogs - latest posts] Reference
Soto is joined by curupaú (Anadenanthera macrocarpa), momoqui (Caesalpinia pluviosa), morado (Machaerium scleroxylon), roble (Amburana cearensis), cedro (Cedrela fissilis), and others where they provide 80% canopy closure. From [Chiquitano dry forests] Reference
Also we charge you not to suffer any of our nation to send any wares to their wiues or friends in any of our ships; but to take their money there to be paid heere by the companie and not otherwise: and to haue consideration how you doe take the roble. From [The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 03] Reference
The foothills, even under thick chaparral, never lose their bold outlines; the pines upon the farthest ridges preserve their perfect spires; and the low, round-headed oaks, both the roble and the encina, have all been put into the landscape with the same brush. From [Art Influence in the West] Reference
As for hempe which is here at two robles and a halfe the bercouite, Master Gray hath written to buy no more at that price: for Iohn Sedgewicke hath bought for sixe or seuen hundred robles worth at Nouogrode for one roble and a halfe the bercouite, and better cheape: and white Nouogrode flaxe is there at three robles the bercouite. From [The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 03] Reference
Vleuterweide campus culture – Vera Yanovshtchinsky architecten (article amb fotografies i plànols en PDF) “topografías de roble – vleuterweide library “. From [Mobiliari a la Biblioteca del Campus Cultural de Vleuterweide, Utrecht | [bauen]] Reference
= roble, encina =, oak. From [Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)] Reference
= encina, roble =, oak. From [Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)] Reference
= oak =, roble, encina. From [Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)] Reference
Thus are formed the words olivar, robledar, and pinal, from olivo, roble, and pino. From [Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1] Reference
EPA Multi-Sector General Permit - Stormwater from Industrial Activities (Sept. 2008) MSGP Corrective Actions Conditions R e q uiring R e vie w a nd R e vis ion to E lim ina te P roble m Conditions R e q uiring R e vie w to De te rmine if Modific a tions a re Ne c e s s a ry De a dline s Water-Quality Based Control Measures Non-Numeric Technology Based Effluent Limits. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
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