To be honest, I think bloggerheadstv is self-indulgent salacity. From ["I like to attack Democrats. He likes to present a united front with Democrats."] Reference
If you really want to argue about it, shoot me an email so that the other posters don't have to slog through this self-indulgent salacity. From ["I like to attack Democrats. He likes to present a united front with Democrats."] Reference
But she said that duty was her watchword when it wasn't salacity and she pursed her lips as her mind contended with Dennis Luxford's recent visit to Baverstock. From [In the Presence of the Enemy]
It was a paltry and pathetic little library of flagellation, titillation and salacity, incapable, he thought, of stimulating any emotion beyond ennui and vague disgust. From [She Closed Her Eyes] Reference
Sinibaldus, discussing whether men or women have more salacity, decides in favor of women. From [Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women] Reference
Psalms, but it was woefully puzzled at his salacity, and the town was very soon too hot to hold him in his exile. From [Avril Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance] Reference
She had had no experience with this class of individuals whatsoever, and did not know the salacity and humour of the theatrical tribe. From [Sister Carrie: a Novel] Reference
We're pretty sure the series got its Golden Globe nomination for Best Drama Series last year more for its frank, bodice-ripping salacity. From [Channel NewsAsia Front Page News] Reference
A man important as yourself, with all your industries and money, and such salacity, together with Susan Brundon, will make a pretty story. From [The Three Black Pennys A Novel] Reference
As a rule, the ideas of the folk who cherish a prejudice against dancing are crude rather than unclean -- the outcome much more of ignorance than salacity. From [The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales] Reference
There is a record of a dog remarkable for its salacity who had two testicles in the scrotum and one in the abdomen; some of the older authors often indulged in playful humor on this subject. From [Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine] Reference
There is undeniably a streak of salacity in human nature, and some very eminent men of letters have from time to time, in the intervals of more noble occupation, permitted themselves to express it. From [Unprintable] Reference
Under the latter supposition its isolated occurrence is intelligible, whilst we cannot perceive why the Creator blessed just these few species with an apparatus which he found to be quite compatible with the "general plan of structure" of the Amphipoda, and yet denied it to others which live under the same external conditions, and equal them even in their extraordinary salacity. From [Facts and Arguments for Darwin] Reference
I watched his salacity turn to fear. From [The Dog of the Marriage] Reference
For in my time there hath been found on the continent a certain country, wherein are I know not what kind of Pastophorian mole-catching priests, who, albeit averse from engaging their proper persons into a matrimonial duty, like the pontifical flamens of Cybele in Phrygia, as if they were capons, and not cocks full of lasciviousness, salacity, and wantonness, who yet have, nevertheless, in the matter of conjugal affairs, taken upon them to prescribe laws and ordinances to married folks. From [Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 3] Reference
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