Let growe theyre here without cuttinge or scissure. From Wordnik.com. [The Ship of Fools, Volume 1] Reference
II, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4), the antero-temporal sulcus (scissure parallele) so characteristic of the ape's brain, is as well, if not better developed than the fissure of Rolando, and is much more marked than the proper frontal sulci. From Wordnik.com. [Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes] Reference
Il etait donc bien autorise a dire que, chez l'homme les circonvolutions apparaissent d'a en w, tandis que chez les singes elles se developpent d'w en a. "), and the other of a human foetus at the 22nd or 23rd week of uterogestation, in which Gratiolet notes that the insula was uncovered, but that nevertheless" des incisures sement de lobe anterieur, une scissure peu profonde indique la separation du lobe occipital, tres-reduit, d'ailleurs des cette epoque. From Wordnik.com. [Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes] Reference
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