Verb (used with object) : The teacher scolded me for being late. From
It's exhausting to be so self-righteous -- for the scolder and those who must endure it. From [Christina Pirello: Lets Break the Vegan Stigma] Reference
The scolder in these situations has no earthly clue what kinds of parenting decisions have been made prior to the event they are witnessing. From [Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: A reply to Elayne, some more stuff about kids in public places, and then I'm done for now.] Reference
When he scolded another boat for being to close during the fight (which it wasn't), I then had the pleasure of watching that captain whizz 12 ounces of lead into the windshield of the scolder. From [My Two Favorite Knuckleheads] Reference
Aline turned around and looked at the scolder for a moment; then, placing her watering-pot upon the floor, she darted toward the divan like a kitten that has just received a blow from its mother's paw and feels authorized to play with her. From [The French Immortals Series — Complete] Reference
Long live TPB and long live the revolution of the human psyche. scolder - 05-18 21: 32. From [The Pirate Bay - Blog] Reference
It scolder this year where I am then any other in the last 15 years and we are warming?. From [Yahoo! Buzz US: Top Stories] Reference
As twice as the, complainingly ideologue be scolder with hadean static and the initial seventhly cd as setterwort. From [Rational Review] Reference
But Turkish Prime Tayyip Erdogan, a leader of the Islamist-rooted AK Party and a frequent scolder of Israel's Palestinian policies, has signaled no flexibility in Turkey's demands for an apology and compensation. From [Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion] Reference
His name, according to the most authentic etymologists, was a corruption of Kyver; that is to say, a wrangler or scolder; and expressed the characteristic of his family, which for nearly two centuries had kept the windy town of. From [Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete] Reference
And Bissage's Swiftian transition from scolder to stalker to declare a winner for this thread. From [Bob Wright proposes a "competition to see who can be more civil and at the same time be more disagreeing in a substantively contentious way."] Reference
To rate with gibes a scolder. From [Faust] Reference
The cool ferocious Robespierre turn'd scolder!. From [Literary Remains, Volume 1] Reference
"Precious scolder herself!" she muttered. From [Peggy-Alone] Reference
The doors shut, and the lights go out, and the sharpest tongue is silent, and all of us, scolder and scolded, happy and unhappy, master and slave, judge and culprit, are children again, tired, and hushed, and helpless, and forgiven. From [The Solitary Summer] Reference
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