Adjective : screeching bats. ,a screeching tone. From
More like the howls and insane screeching from the psycho ward. From [Think Progress » Will Scott Brown Stick By Birther Candidate Who Compared Obama To Osama Bin Laden?] Reference
Expect shrill screeching from the wingers as they accuse Krugman of yet again being shrill. From [December 2003] Reference
Amazing how quickly a discussion of climate science pulls in screeching about bush-israel-iraq-capitalism. From [Think Progress » House Energy Committee Commissions Political Propaganda Attacking Global Warming Science] Reference
Southwest Bob has it right — the depth and amount of screeching is direclty proporational to the depth and amount of guilt. From [Think Progress » DeLay’s Risky Business] Reference
Will rubbed a salve into the wound and released the calf, which bounded back to its mother, screeching from the indignity of it all. From [365 tomorrows » 2008 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day] Reference
And as far as Palin, she does not talk, she screeches and her screeching is like a person running their finger nails down a chalkboard. From [Gingrich to sign Contract from America] Reference
Or risk being called a screeching 'you know what'. From [On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...] Reference
If you were, "screeching" is the least of the perjoratives you'd use to describe the shrill, peevish tone of Sullivan's writing. From [Reference
And I will take Siobhan's "screeching" any day over Katie, Paige, Lacey or Andrew doing anything. From [ Today's Latest Headlines] Reference
There's more control and less "screeching," probably because what works on stage doesn't always work on a record. From [Top Stories - Google News] Reference
"screeching" as the haters love to say (i't called a rock wail). From [Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch] Reference
She heard a screeching sound and Fynir came out clear. From [Arcana Magi - c.18: Me?] Reference
The door made a long screeching sound, scaring everyone. From [The Impossible Man - Ep. 10: Round 1.] Reference
They heard outside the bar a wild screeching of tires. From [The Men Who Forgot Math and Poetry] Reference
Taxis screeching, forever coming and going, an endless cycle. From [The Door] Reference
Then he picked up Hill's book -- and made a screeching U-turn. From [Rapper Tabi Bonney gets motivated with books such as 'Think and Grow Rich'] Reference
They came through tiny and fat, early and late, quiet and screeching. From [Casualty] Reference
The sound of crowds screeching and TVs bleating receded as she climbed. From [Round the World Now] Reference
The baby vulture is flapping her bald peach-fuzz wings and screeching. From [After the Badlands] Reference
I came to a screeching stop, muffled only by the sound of tearing fabric. From [Cherry blossoms] Reference
At its screeching, wall-breaking best, "T3" achieves heavy-metal slapstick. From [Return To Circuit City] Reference
And they can distinguish the sound of a chirping insect from a screeching truck. From [MAIL CALL AND CORRECTION: FROM THE PASSION TO THE] Reference
Across the Continent, the high price of money brought growth to a screeching halt. From [Europe In Pieces] Reference
But they have little to do with whatever Strom Thurmond was screeching about in 1948. From [We Don't Talk This Way] Reference
After a while, the trees grew even larger and the beasts halted their eternal screeching. From [The Pilgrimage] Reference
June brought the need to explain the ECB's screeching U-turn on purchases of sovereign debt. From [For Trichet, Halcyon Days of Summer] Reference
Sirens frenzy, streets protest, every animal in the city is whining or screeching or crying. From [The Last 3,600 Seconds] Reference
We will ignore our mobiles when they wobble on the worktop, screeching her lies round the room. From [Bone Dust Disco] Reference
A total silence fell, punctuated suddenly by the frantic screeching of seabirds wheeling below us. From [Eyes On The Eclipse] Reference
Catching sight of the troops, the driver does a screeching U-turn and roars down a dirt side road. From [A Shark Hunt In The Night] Reference
Monkey cuts to the left, screeching the tires, heading up the driveway to the WAWA store. From [DEER] Reference
It was hard to decide if it was because she was 33 or if it was that life had come to a screeching halt. From [Shell of a Party girl] Reference
I stood at the curb wondering what to do next when the sound of tires screeching on pavement drew my attention. From [Dream] Reference
Then there's Phil Gramm, the screeching heavy metal in what was once the stately opera of presidential politics. From [Get Ready For Mr. Relentless] Reference
He tried very slowly to explain what had happened, but Jonelle interrupted every other word with her screeching. From [Bread, Fish, Serpent, Stone (continued)] Reference
The mourning doves on the bird feeder, the finches in the plumb tree and the screeching hawk in the bright blue sky. From [Amy Bernays: Motherhood] Reference
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