An semiliterate scrawl. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
That was another problem in a semiliterate society. From [The Soprano Sorceress]
He was shy and semiliterate when he went behind bars. From [Death of a Terrorist] Reference
It sounds like mumbling and it reads semiliterate at best. From [Name that Blogging Tory!] Reference
Awwww, how can you say that about a poor, semiliterate farmer?. From [2007 March « raincoaster] Reference
He did a lot of philosophizing, typical semiliterate Georgia boy. From [Oral History Interview with Stetson Kennedy, May 11, 1990. Interview A-0354. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)] Reference
He scribbled off a note in semiliterate Hardornen to Kerst directly. From [Storm Rising]
And beyond any semiliterate reador of Sowell's actual column as well. From [Balkinization] Reference
My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semiliterate adolescent. From [terrarose Diary Entry] Reference
My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic, semiliterate adolescent. From [Nancy Hopkins and Larry Summers in Creative Writing 101] Reference
His handwriting was so poor that even his semiliterate chauffeur noticed. From [Mulla Omar Off The Record] Reference
Do you supposed our semiliterate friend meant to ask "who was Mark Twain?". From [Ladies and gentlemen: Your National Wingnut Post.] Reference
The same bad schoolboy rhymes, the same semiliterate attempt at high-flown language. From [The Concrete Blonde]
A semiliterate, dissociative, generationally correct vagueness permeates everything. From [The Web 2.0 Bubble] Reference
"The problem is there are many athletes graduating from schools who are semiliterate.". From [Public university athletes score far below classmates on SATs] Reference
I wonder if the 'taking money' criterion was more appropriate to a semiliterate society. From [ PRESS.] Reference
She would never get mixed up with a semiliterate man who made his living with his fists. From [Come Again No More] Reference
Because he is illiterate or semiliterate, he is unemployed or works as an unskilled laborer. From [Disordered Minds]
Paulos explains the reasons why most Americans are semiliterate or innumerate as he puts it. From [Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences « Books « Literacy News] Reference
· Publication of a manual on basic beekeeping, for semiliterate readers, in Bahasa Malaysia. From [1. The jab-seeder a tool for manual seeding] Reference
These maps of the literate were only a little more useful than the rumors of the semiliterate. From [THE AMERICAN WEST] Reference
Eventually he led me to a semiliterate jewelry salesman with wide-set eyes and a penchant for gold chains. From [Inside Al-Qaeda’s Hard Drive] Reference
In an interview with the Guardian last year, he described them as a bunch of greedy, uncultured, semiliterate oiks. From [Alexander Lebedev: profile] Reference
I'm torn between supporting the blue-nosed, lawsuit-happy elitists, and the semiliterate, poorly compressed marauders. From [Flickr Fans Flustered Over Video Posting] Reference
Page 76 thirty-two-page manuscript was obviously written by a semiliterate black Virginian, living in Richmond, in 1847. From [Fields's Observations: The Slave Narrative of a Nineteenth-Century Virginian] Reference
Stern is thus, by his own admission, a semiliterate civil service clotheshorse hired to display any lie his masters want. From [On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...] Reference
To the impoverished and semiliterate, an education such as mine was viewed as godlike because of the power it represented. From [Will]
It is the hand of a semiliterate girl — perhaps one of the scowling adolescents — blobbed and reckless in its excitement. From [Absolute Friends]
When I buy a book from a publisher, I know that, good or bad, at least it won't turn out to be 300 pages of semiliterate drivel. From [Making Light: "No one goes around suggesting that everyone should become their own autonomous cheesemakers and cheering the death of the cheese industry. Why? Because that would result in a lot of shitty cheese."] Reference
Just because one can forgive the infrequent use of such a construction by children or the semiliterate does make it “correct.”. From [The Volokh Conspiracy » Originalism and Linguistic Questions] Reference
In fact, they felt shown up because, coming mostly from peasant backgrounds and being semiliterate, they could not understand Marx. From [WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA]
The samples are from pictorial booklets for semiliterate and illiterate audiences, and demonstrate the need for clear visual illustrations. From [Chapter 10] Reference
They are semiliterate in either English or Spanish. From Reference
With Leather - Sports news and gossip for semiliterate chimpanzees. From [BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs] Reference
Many are semiliterate in either English or Spanish, despite being born in the USA. From Reference
This poor dignified man has had to explain his nobility to the semiliterate of half of. From [NPR Topics: News] Reference
Oh, great, throw chum into the tank of semiliterate von Mises idolators, why don't you?. From [Center for American Progress Action Fund] Reference
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