Do I wish to pay my workers more than their services are worth to me?. From [Ayn Rand, Source: (Atlas 446-7)]
The mayor tried to maintain city services. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
The medical services are excellent. From Wordnet, Princeton University.
Noun : to do someone a service. ,The manufacturer guarantees service and parts. ,a television repair service. ,telephone service; bus service. ,the diplomatic service. ,in the service. ,Which service were you in during the war? ,service of the piece. ,medical services. ,Certain books are published at a loss as a public service. ,the marriage service. ,voluntary service. ,a tea service; service for eight. From
Adjective : service stairs; the service pieces in a set of dishes. ,Medicine is one of the service professions. ,He operates a service center for electrical appliances. ,a service academy. ,a service fee of 15 percent on the restaurant check. ,a service industry; a service contract. From
Verb (used with object) : to service an automobile. From
The most significant development in services is the rise of interest rate and currency swaps. From [Revolution in Financial Services] Reference
The twin services is the natural evolution of social networks, whose myriad features do not extend beyond PCs, Guericke says. From [The Skype of social networking] Reference
In an era when trade in services is expanding, we need to further facilitate the travel of business professionals across the border. From [Dancing with the Elephant: Contending with an Assertive Superpower in Trade and Global Diplomacy] Reference
Aggressive promotion and sale of our title services. From [ - News] Reference
Mom and dad commandeering my services is another matter. From [Transcriber, Travel Agent & Volunteer-in-Progress] Reference
Janiver Couture has joined the company as a title services escrow officer. From Reference
The person needing the services is the expert in their own life and determines their own politics. From [Harm reduction and Human Rights (both) for Sex Work Plenary « Bound, Not Gagged] Reference
Unlike DCMX and DCMX Gold, DCMX mini users are not issued with a plastic credit card, but the services is all based around wallet phones. From [DoCoMo launches credit service for kids as young as 12] Reference
There's some labelling services in there and Europe is soft. From [ Home Page] Reference
(Her daughter provides itinerant cell phone calling services). From [Kiva Loans] Reference
Offering long-term services for ages 0-7 and after school care. From Reference
Therefore, the scope of services translates into a higher price. From [Aspen Times - Top Stories] Reference
About half of that money goes toward long-term services and support. From [The Cherry Creek News] Reference
PM me your offers and payment method. looking for long term services only. From [Digital Point Forums] Reference
Many Americans assume that Medicare pays for long-term services and support. From [The Cherry Creek News] Reference
Slide 15: Where to start • Phase 1: Get ideas - What do you call your services?. From [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
From Kristen Williams, "Shutting down youth services is shortsighted," she argues. From [Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local] Reference
The one-off payment was to secure the long-term services of 2GB breakfast announcer. From [Latest News - Yahoo!7 News] Reference
The English of our services is English in all the vigour and suppleness of early youth. From [The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3] Reference
That's why long-term services and support must be a fundamental part of healthcare reform. From [The Cherry Creek News] Reference
The tool can be used for verifying the performance of the name services of fi-domain names only. From [Home] Reference
The report shows whether the name services of the domain name comply with the requirements of FICORA. From [Home] Reference
The Company's subsidiaries also provide mortgage financing, insurance and title services, primarily for. From [The Earth Times Online Newspaper] Reference
Meunier said he's also instituted delinquent notices and phone call services to go after the uncollected money. From [Sentinel & Enterprise Most Viewed] Reference
"We actually went in for a partnership to offer white label services and we ended up outsourcing them," Wright said. From [ARN News] Reference
In an email exchange, Agrawal told me that the company is looking at white-label services as well as retail operations. From [VentureBeat] Reference
Long-term services and support are covered by state-run Medicaid -- and only for those who exhausted all other resources. From [The Cherry Creek News] Reference
D.R. Horton also provides mortgage financing and title services for homebuyers through its mortgage and title subsidiaries. From [News] Reference
The Company provides mortgage financing and title services to its homebuyers through Standard Pacific Mortgage and SPH Title. From Reference
German Catechism in German services -- such, then, was the slogan which Luther now sounded forth with ever-increasing emphasis. From [Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church] Reference
Given how things are slowing down in end markets one would assume that it's primarily driven by the labelling services business. From [ Home Page] Reference
It's a cornerstone of our long-term services infrastructure, so the selection of a strong mobile framework provider was critical. From [RedOrbit News - Technology] Reference
However, short-term services contracts, which deliver profits faster, were up 13%, accounting for a larger portion of the signings. From [High-Margin Services Lift IBM] Reference
And while insurance for long-term services and support is available on the private market, only one in five Americans can afford it. From [The Cherry Creek News] Reference
• Will create a new national insurance plan for long-term services: Community Living Assistance services and Supports (CLASS) program. From [John Geyman: Hijacked: Stolen Health Care Reform V] Reference
The company offers consultations for facility management from the start-up to the completion of projects and delivers long-term services. From [AME Info Latest News] Reference
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