The staple of the soil ought to be silicious, fertile, and deep. From [The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, on the Cultivation, Preparation for Shipment, and Commercial Value, &c. of the Various Substances Obtained From Trees and Plants, Entering into the Husbandry of Tropical and Sub-tropical Regions, &c.] Reference
It is not actually necessary to use rich ores; silicious ores can be used. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891] Reference
The aggregate shall be clean and of silicious or similar char - acteristics. From [4. Content of a national standards document] Reference
The gray stones have eroded from the silicious shale that outcrops at the beach. From [Archive 2006-03-01] Reference
· The sand and aggregate should be of silicious origin or have similar characteristics. From [Chapter 4] Reference
The material is the normal silicious gravel-grit, traversed and cloisonné by dykes of harder stone. From [The Land of Midian] Reference
~ -- Engineers commonly specify that sand for concrete shall be clean and sharp, and silicious in character. From [Concrete Construction Methods and Costs] Reference
Other dead vegetation, because of the highly silicious water, always gets petrified unless it is eaten first. From [Uller Uprising]
Brick -- the clay from which this was made would probably be useful to potters. 5 and 6 are very silicious clays. From [Scientific American, Volume XLIII., No. 25, December 18, 1880 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.] Reference
The immense silicious deposits, carrying the ores of several metals, formed by the geysers of the Yellowstone, the Steamboat. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884] Reference
In silicious sponges the spicules are composed of silica, and are generally deposited around axial rods in concentric layers. From [Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887] Reference
They chew them up, dehydrate them, and convert their silicious outer bark and carbonaceous interiors into silicones for themselves. From [Uller Uprising]
The soil was light and friable, and below lay a bed of silicious tufa; therefore, even without tools, the aperture deepened quickly. From [In Search of the Castaways] Reference
Among the porous substances used is kieselguhr, a silicious earth which consists chiefly of the skeletons of various species of diatoms. From [Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise] Reference
But you have practically but one soil to deal with, a true limestone soil of high fertility, which has received considerable accessions from silicious rocks. From [Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 3, January 19, 1884. A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside] Reference
Thus, in building parlance, the grains are the rubble of the wall, the currents the quarrymen, masons and laborers, and the silicious infiltration the mortar. From [The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 27, Jan-Mar, 1890] Reference
Among the forms which you will find are the silicious skeletons of diatoms, the calcareous skeletons of foraminifera, scales of fish, and, rarely, the whole skeleton of. From [The Western United States A Geographical Reader] Reference
The foundation upon which rest the alluvial formations has been found to consist of a hard blue silicious clay, closely resembling that met with in the bed of the Mississippi. From [Continental Monthly , Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy] Reference
Pale ochre colour, silicious cement, extremely hard. From [Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia — Complete] Reference
Upon granite soils, it will be of less value than silicious or aluminous ones. From [Guano A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers] Reference
Of silicious soils there are four varieties, viz. -- sandy, gravelly, slaty, and rocky. From [Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry] Reference
The silicious earth with which nitro-glycerine is mixed to make dynamite comes from Oberlohe, in. From [The Maids of Paradise] Reference
The silicious concretion obtained from the leaves is used as a polish in the form of polish paper. From [The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines] Reference
Why, haven't you silicious sand, the lime from the coral and shells and soda from the seaweeds of thousands of years. From [Fire Island Being the Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists in an Unknown Track] Reference
It is exceedingly fine and of excellent silicious quality, especially in the vicinity of Sidon and at the foot of Mount Carmel. From [History of Phoenicia] Reference
The soil of this bottom is an argillaceous or a silicious loam, according as clay or sand happens to predominate in its formation. From [A New Guide for Emigrants to the West] Reference
In certain geological formations, the diatomaceae deposit, at the bottom of fresh-water ponds, beds of silicious shields, valuable as. From [The Earth as Modified by Human Action] Reference
A kind of hopper containing fine silicious sand was connected with a reservoir of compressed air, the pressure being variable at pleasure. From [Fragments of science, V. 1-2] Reference
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