Personally I think he was a snitcher when he was locked up. From [Think Progress » Fox Guest: We Should Ignore McCain Since He ‘Was So Traumatized’ By P.O.W. Experience] Reference
When you've hosted an almost day-long telethon every year since 1966 like Sinatra-snitcher Jerry Lewis has, chances are you're going to run out of material at some point. From [Jerry Lewis Slags Off The Gays Via The Medium Of Cricket] Reference
News of this latest attempt to restore Sunday school standards in the White House reached the outside world via a memo snuck out to a Washington Post reporter by a heroic whistle blower and/or leaker-snitcher, depending on your ethical standards. From [Nicholas von Hoffman: Calling All Ethicists] Reference
As in any slang there are (or were) numerous words meaning ` excellent ': snitcher, rube (short for rubydazzler), or corker. From [VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1] Reference
Stop the snitching, snitcher. From [Matthew Yglesias » Better Immigration] Reference
Some old snitcher mus 'got de sergeant. From [Rosie O Ho] Reference
She is a dirty little snitcher with cooties. From ["Every woman I know was in high hysteria over [Sarah Palin]."] Reference
He was a snitcher. From [The Jacket (Star-Rover)] Reference
The snitchee knew the snitcher. From [Small Business Trends] Reference
5) The snitcher needs to examine his or her own motives in reporting the snitchee (No problem here. From [The Jewish Week (BETA)] Reference
"I'm no snitcher, so you know you're safe. From [Still Jim] Reference
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