Chillingworth, of his writings, i.ccxcvii. why called a Socinian, ix. From [The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 10.] Reference
The object of the society was the advocacy not precisely of what were afterwards known as Socinian principles, but of Antitrinitarianism. From [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon] Reference
In reply, I beg to remark that by "Socinian" is, I suppose, meant. From [Notes and Queries, Number 59, December 14, 1850] Reference
I have to admit that you don't run into many UUs who know what "Socinian" means today. From [Philocrites: Faith blogs in the New York Times.] Reference
Of course, it is from his name that the term 'Socinian' is derived, a term that has often been applied, but mistakenly, to. From [Unitarianism] Reference
'Socinian', as he preferred to say) could possibly be redeemed; and he had no hope of eternal salvation for the inhabitants of. From [Father and Son: a study of two temperaments] Reference
The Socinian because I love what I read over there. From [Archive 2005-03-01] Reference
Also, if you haven't read the Socinian lately, you should. From [Archive 2005-06-01] Reference
Arminian and Socinian were at peace if science was the theme. From [The Bibliotaph and Other People] Reference
The royalty among our Socinian fore bearers wore wooden swords. From [The lack of Answers about Guns] Reference
Gospel, for that a Socinian might have heard it without offence. From [On Calvinism] Reference
Query, By what Socinian writer are these two hexameter verses used?. From [Notes and Queries, Number 53, November 2, 1850] Reference
I am much disposed to consider Orpheus as having been a strict Socinian. From [A Philosophical Dictionary] Reference
Socinian author form one volume in the “Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum.” —. From [The Doctrine of Justification by Faith] Reference
Were they half Arminian and half Socinian; half Papist and half I know not what?. From [The Sermons of John Owen] Reference
Socinian is the page of one Fausto, a fellow master of the long-form blog entry. From [Archive 2005-02-01] Reference
Christians have hitherto believed, and to hurry poor souls into the bottom of Socinian blasphemies. From [The Death of Death in the Death of Christ] Reference
The Socinian pictured Calvin as carrying on the protest against Rome more vigorously than Luther, himself than. From [Notes and Queries, Number 53, November 2, 1850] Reference
On the other hand, let's not encourage visits to The Socinian until its host thinks of something worthwhile to say!. From [Philocrites: Guide to UU blogs.] Reference
It is directly inspired by a virtual conversation going on at Boy in the Bands, Prophet Motive, Philocrites, and Socinian. From [The Next Lent Sermon] Reference
The author of the preceding article is a worthy man who would sup with a Quaker, an Anabaptist, a Socinian, a Mussulman, etc. From [A Philosophical Dictionary] Reference
Over on The Socinian, I lament the lack of such courage and leadership in the moral opposition i. e., our side this time around. From [Philocrites: Why I will join the antiwar protesters.] Reference
Socinian, a Prophane Drunkard, a Sorcerer, a Thief, if they have such a freehold (as the law demands), can vote to keep out a minister. From [The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut] Reference
Independents, in testimony of their union of sentiment on fundamental truths, and as an antidote to Popish, Socinian, and Infidel opinions. From [Life of Dr Owen] Reference
And what farther is to be learned of Mr. Papin, a Socinian, who jointed the. From [Notes and Queries, Number 186, May 21, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.] Reference
The lines quoted by Dr. Pusey, I have some notion, belong to a Romish, not a Socinian, writer. From [Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.] Reference
The literature of those great men was, if I may suffer myself the figure, the Socinian graft of a Calvinist stock. From [Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship] Reference
W.S. is a retired tradesman, a thoughtful and rather reticent man; brought up a Socinian, and professedly such still. From [To My Younger Brethren Chapters on Pastoral Life and Work] Reference
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