The lesson is whatever the sociobiologist wants to find. From [Involution of Divinity] Reference
She's a feminist sociobiologist who studies primates and tells stories well. From [Infant Reflexes] Reference
The Julian Calendar is the work of a devout Catholic sociobiologist in Australia. From [Newish Blogs] Reference
I'm also very wary of the sociobiologist sort of speculating about why we evolved the way we did. From ["If the theory's right..."] Reference
I have two questions for Jurek or any other sociobiologist or Freudian or Marxist within earshot. From [Archive 2009-08-01] Reference
Robert L. Trivers, born 19 February 1943 is an American evolutionary biologist and sociobiologist. From [Trivers wins Crafoord Prize] Reference
In a fascinating new book, The Watchman's Rattle, sociobiologist Rebecca Costa, offers us another angle on hope. From [Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater: Hope in the Fog of Fear] Reference
In any event, he is often the victim of scorn, something like sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, whose work he much admires. From [Economic Principals] Reference
You yourself give the perfectly sensible answer, and this is pretty much exactly what any competent sociobiologist would say as well. From [Resolving the Sibling Paradox, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty] Reference
'No intellectual vice is more crippling,' writes the Harvard sociobiologist and outspoken ecocentrist E.O. Wilson, 'than defiantly self-indulgent anthropocentrism.'. From [The Struggle Over Thoreau] Reference
As the sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson points out, "One of the strictures of the scientific ethos is that a discovery does not exist until it is safely reviewed and in print.". From [B Alan Wallace - Overlapping Worlds] Reference
Costa is a sociobiologist and author, and her book is a fascinating look at how increased complexity "quickly outpaces the rate at which the human brain can develop new capabilities.". From [Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater: Overcoming Supermemes: Insight to our Future] Reference
We have already seen how sociobiologist David Barash, arguing in the mainstream media, has used evolution to argue for atheism and defined evolution from this metaphysical perspective. From [Atheists Speak Out] Reference
Proponents of reductionist views such as geneticist James Watson and sociobiologist E.O. Wilson have encountered the opposition of other biologists such as Ernst Mayr and R.C. Lewontin. From [The Unity of Science] Reference
The Boston Globe runs a long article by Drake Bennett on sociobiologist Robert Trivers, who was one of the world's most brilliant thinkers from 1970-1975, but has been mostly AWOL for the last 30 years. From [I'm Baaaaack!] Reference
So when I once pointed out to a sociobiologist that sane and rational human beings were willing to go to prison rather than engage in armed struggle, he replied that their resistance to the state was a form of aggression. From [The Wars Over Evolution] Reference
Three people were awarded TED prizes today: Bill Clinton, sociobiologist E.O. Wilson, and photographer James Nachtwey, who specializes in capturing startling and disturbing, yet moving and beautiful images of people whose lives have been destroyed by the hatred and greed of other people. From [Boing Boing] Reference
I should write a manifesto on what a feminist sociobiologist is, but that's beside the point, as is a similar manifesto on how EP is not social Darwinism or eugenics -- says this ((I'll quote him at length because I think he makes a valid point on this topic of media driven beauty standards - emphasis mine)). From [On Using Psychological Science Carefully] Reference
Lest one surmise that he is a "pop" sociobiologist, he has a doctorate in zoology from Oxford University; his Darwinian viewpoint is similar to that of another Oxford scholar, Richard Dawkins, whose best-selling books about selfish "gene machines" have made him one of the most influential exponents of the logic of natural selection in evolutionary biology. From [Darwinian Virtues] Reference
Last year, I cited Nicholas Wade's interview with sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, in which Wilson disclosed that at age 79, he was writing his first novel, but he was in a tussle with his publishers over whether his main characters would be human beings or ants. From [Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog] Reference
Here's a review from Commentary of sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson's new book "The Future of Life" that, while it reflects the neoconservatives 'typical dislike of the natural world (did you know that Irving Kristol and Gertrude Himmelfarb lived in an apartment overlooking Central Park for decades, but never went for a walk in it?) eventually, grudgingly, comes around to admitting that it's basically a good thing that there are people out there who care as much for species preservation as Wilson does. From [Golf, Biophilia, and Edward O. Wilson] Reference
Harvard’s Edward O. Wilson, the sociobiologist, says, “Frank is obviously onto something fundamental in his treatment of envy and status as factors in human behavior.”. From [Economic Principals] Reference
Last year, I cited Nicholas Wade’s interview with sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, in which Wilson disclosed that at age 79, he was writing his first novel, but he was in a tussle with his publishers over whether his main characters would be human beings or ants. From [ Blog Articles » Print » “Save the Ants!”] Reference
Is Aristotle this the original sociobiologist?. From ["Courage is not solely for men, but it is mainly for men."] Reference
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