"I consider that African languages today are among the least free in the world," says Zairean sociolinguist Mwatha Ngalasso. From Wordnik.com. [ANC Daily News Briefing] Reference
A University of Toronto sociolinguist finds that fewer Canadians are using a certain monosyllabic Canadian codeword these days. From Wordnik.com. [odds and ends, eh] Reference
Thus the native speaker of the grammarian would be different from the native speaker of the sociolinguist or the educationalist. From Wordnik.com. [languagehat.com: NATIVE SPEAKER.] Reference
The sociolinguist says a true apology has four parts: admitting fault, showing remorse, acknowledging damage and indicating how it will be repaired. From Wordnik.com. [Contrition as Leadership] Reference
As an sociolinguist, I can tell you there is no such thing as ‘American’ English, and vocabulary varies based on regional differences just like anywhere else. From Wordnik.com. [I say pyjama…] Reference
We assume this, anyway, because The New York Times billed the program as "a face-to-face, word-to-word confrontation," and even though Bly insisted at the outset that this was just typical media exaggeration, what else could account for the sellout crowd to hear a discussion between a mythic poet and a sociolinguist?. From Wordnik.com. [Speaking Softly, Carrying No Stick] Reference
I'm a sociolinguist specializing in endangered languages and language planning. From Wordnik.com. [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition] Reference
Finally, sociolinguist Alexandra D'Arcy has begun a monthly column at the Oxford University Press blog. From Wordnik.com. [Literal-Minded] Reference
As a sociolinguist, let me remind you that Cornish and Manx are "revived", just as you recognize it, so they have speakers, so they are living languages. From Wordnik.com. [Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]] Reference
On this issue, the sociolinguist William Labov has argued that narratives require certain essential elements of structure which, when absent, render the narrative 'ill-formed'. From Wordnik.com. [Recently Uploaded Slideshows] Reference
Camaldolite semiperimeter exenteration oakum anfractuosity scrams unproductiveness skin-deep singularizes watch fires stenocardia thorntrees pew-openers sitology lysing unfunny firehouses Norma toothiest educationalists epilators elbow margarins hupping cosmology turnsoles shibuichi gear-change metastasize phenols defroster incompatibly berdaches ballerinas Papandreou posticous misuse hubs mongrelizing rationality marm zonule phlebotomist latent period sociolinguist sterilises pulmonary wastages unmoralized swanneries terbium mediatrices epigrams quarter pounders jinjili glass cockpit lifetimes reinterrogate flax-wench tabouret passata Berthold megalosaurian scurfy pure science surveilling wisent albinos hunt saboteurs mullers defeater anaemic Trivial Pursuit ambrotypes underfundings peripheral teredos hole-and-corner traders upgrowings Supreme Soviet forisfamiliated linked lists ophidians depictor kempery-man remarkableness manumea platemen covalent prozymite nippers gestated plugs mi. From Wordnik.com. [“Name, a novel” by Toadex Hobogrammathon : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation] Reference
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